Engines Scan Mechanism

In some cases, the introspection module may leverage antimalware engines to provide an even better detection. Currently, the following scan requests are supported:

  1. Process command line scanning - the command line of designated processes (please see PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE and INTRO_OPT_NOTIFY_ENGINES) will be read and sent to the engines in order to be scanned.
  2. Suspicious code execution scanning - when suspicious code is executed inside the memory of protected processes, the introspection module schedules a scan (if the internal logic did not block the execution).

Activation Flags

  1. PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE – This is a per-process flag, usually set on processes such as powershell.exe or cmd.exe. If set, the introspection module will read the entire command line of the process in question (using #PF injections) and schedule a scan.
  2. INTRO_OPT_NOTIFY_ENGINES – This is the global flag that controls if suspicious code executions are sent to the scan engines. The introspection module already has internal logic used to detect malicious code executions (for example, the RIP points inside a known stack), so the engines are used only if all the internal checks deem the code execution to be legitimate.

Sending a scan request

Callback function

The integrator must implement the NotifyScanEngines function callback (from glueiface.h) to provide support for the scan engines.


This functionality is optional thus an integrator may decide not to use it.

Notification format

Different structures (according to the scan type) are used, but all of them have an ENG_NOTIFICATION_HEADER as the first field.


The same structure will be returned via the result callback, therefore some of the fields must be populated by the integrator.

Parameter Description
RequestedAction The action requested by the engines.
Type The notification type (code execution or command line scan).
OsType The operating system type (Windows/Linux).
DetectionName A NULL-terminated string with the name of the engines detection, if any.
EnginesVersion A NULL-terminated string with the version of the engines.
  1. Command line scan

    Parameter Description
    Header The previously defined header.
    Parent The parent process that provided the command line.
    Child The child process that received the command line.
    CmdLine The command line to be scanned.
    CmdLineSize The size of the command line buffer.
  2. Suspicious code execution scanning

    Parameter Description
    Header The previously defined header.
    ExecutionData Execution information.

After allocating and filling the appropriate event structure, NotifyScanEngines will be invoked so that a scan will be scheduled. If the call to NotifyScanEngines is successful, the result callback must be invoked by the integrator (the ENG_NTOFICATION_* structure is heap allocated and must be freed – otherwise a memory leak will occur).

Retrieving the scan result

Since the engines may introduce a significant performance penalty, the scan is done in an asynchronous fashion, thus a completion callback is required. The integrator must implement the following functions from the glue interface.

  1. RegisterEnginesResultCallback

    Introcore uses this to register a callback that will be invoked by the integrator when a scan is complete (usually, this step is done when initializing introcore).

  2. UnregisterEnginesResultCalback

    The introspection module uses this to remove the previously registered engines callback (usually, this step is done when uninitializing introcore).

The integrator must invoke the registered callback to provide the scan result.