Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
glueiface.h File Reference

Defines an interface used by the introspection engine to communicate with an integrator. More...

#include "intro_types.h"
#include "upperiface.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _IG_ARCH_REGS
 Holds register state. More...
struct  _IG_SEG_REGS
 Holds segment register state. More...
struct  _IG_XSAVE_AREA
 Describes an XSAVE area format. More...
struct  _IG_QUERY_MSR
 The MSR query structure. More...
struct  _GLUE_IFACE
 Interface used for communicating between the introspection engine and the integrator. More...


#define IG_IA32_SYSENTER_CS   0x00000174
#define IG_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP   0x00000175
#define IG_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP   0x00000176
#define IG_IA32_MISC_ENABLE   0x000001A0
#define IG_IA32_PAT   0x00000277
#define IG_IA32_MC0_CTL   0x00000400
#define IG_IA32_EFER   0xC0000080
#define IG_IA32_STAR   0xC0000081
#define IG_IA32_LSTAR   0xC0000082
#define IG_IA32_FS_BASE   0xC0000100
#define IG_IA32_GS_BASE   0xC0000101
#define IG_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE   0xC0000102
#define IG_IA32_LBR_TOS   0x000001C9
#define IG_IA32_DEBUGCTL   0x000001D9
 For APIs that take a VCPU number as a parameter, this can be used to specify that the current VCPU should be used. More...
 For APIs that take an ETPT index as a parameter, this can be used to specify that the current EPT should be used. More...
#define IG_PHYSMAP_NO_CACHE   0x00000001
 Signals that a physical mapping request should bypass any existing caches. More...
 The timer frequency (1 call per second). More...
#define GLUE_IFACE_VERSION_1   0x00010111


typedef struct _IG_ARCH_REGS IG_ARCH_REGS
 Holds register state. More...
typedef struct _IG_SEG_REGS IG_SEG_REGS
 Holds segment register state. More...
typedef struct _IG_SEG_REGSPIG_SEG_REGS
 Describes an XSAVE area format. More...
typedef struct _IG_QUERY_MSR IG_QUERY_MSR
 The MSR query structure. More...
 Ept violation types. More...
 Descriptor table access flags. More...
 The guest power state. More...
 Controls the verbosity of the logs. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEPTViolationCallback) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD PhysicalAddress, DWORD Length, QWORD VirtualAddress, DWORD CpuNumber, INTRO_ACTION *Action, IG_EPT_ACCESS Type)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntMSRViolationCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Msr, IG_MSR_HOOK_TYPE Flags, INTRO_ACTION *Action, QWORD OriginalValue, QWORD *NewValue, DWORD CpuNumber)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIntroCallCallback) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Rip, DWORD Cpu)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIntroTimerCallback) (void *GuestHandle)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIntroDescriptorTableCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Flags, DWORD CpuNumber, INTRO_ACTION *Action)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntCrWriteCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Cr, DWORD CpuNumber, QWORD OldValue, QWORD NewValue, INTRO_ACTION *Action)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntXcrWriteCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, INTRO_ACTION *Action)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntBreakpointCallback) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD PhysicalAddress, DWORD CpuNumber)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEventInjectionCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Vector, QWORD ErrorCode, QWORD Cr2, DWORD CpuNumber)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEventEnginesResultCallback) (void *GuestHandle, PENG_NOTIFICATION_HEADER EngineNotification)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntQueryGuestInfo) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD InfoClass, void *InfoParam, void *Buffer, DWORD BufferLength)
 API exposed by the integrator that allows introcore to obtain various information about the guest. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntroAlert) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EventClass, void *Parameters, size_t EventSize)
 Used by introcore to report events to the integrator. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyEngines) (void *GuestHandle, void *Parameters)
 If implemented, introcore can use this API to signal that an additional memory scan. can be done. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGpaToHpa) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Gpa, QWORD *Hpa)
 Translates a guest physical address to a host physical address. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntPhysMemMapToHost) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD PhysAddress, DWORD Length, DWORD Flags, void **HostPtr)
 Maps a guest physical address to the host virtual space. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntPhysMemUnmap) (void *GuestHandle, void **HostPtr)
 Frees any resources allocated by a GLUE_IFACE.PhysMemMapToHost call. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetPhysicalPageTypeFromMtrrs) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Gpa, IG_MEMTYPE *MemType)
 Returns the memory type of a guest physical page, as taken from the MTRRs. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetEPTPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BYTE *Read, BYTE *Write, BYTE *Execute)
 Returns the EPT access rights for a guest physical page. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetEPTPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BYTE Read, BYTE Write, BYTE Execute)
 Sets the EPT access rights for a guest physical page. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetSPPPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Address, QWORD *SppValue)
 Returns the SPP protection rights for a guest physical address. This API is optional. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetSPPPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Address, QWORD SppValue)
 Set the SPP protection rights for a guest physical address. This API is optional. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterEPTHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntEPTViolationCallback Callback)
 Registers and EPT exit callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterEPTHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current EPT exit callback, unsubscribing introcore from EPT violation events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEnableMsrExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Msr, BOOLEAN *OldValue)
 Enables VMEXIT events for a MSR. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDisableMsrExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Msr, BOOLEAN *OldValue)
 Disable VMEXIT events for a MSR. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterMSRHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntMSRViolationCallback Callback)
 Registers a MSR exit handler. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterMSRHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current MSR exit callback, unsubscribing introcore from MSR violation events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterIntroCallHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntIntroCallCallback Callback)
 Registers a VMCALL exit handler. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterIntroCallHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current VMCALL exit callback, unsubscribing introcore from VMCALL events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterVmxTimerHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntIntroTimerCallback Callback)
 Registers a timer callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterVmxTimerHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current timer callback, unsubscribing introcore from timer events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterDescriptorTableHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntIntroDescriptorTableCallback Callback)
 Registers a descriptor table access callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterDescriptorTableHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current descriptor table access callback, unsubscribing introcore from DTR events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEnableCrWriteExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Cr)
 Enables VMEXIT events for a control register. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDisableCrWriteExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Cr)
 Disable VMEXIT events for a control register. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterCrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntCrWriteCallback Callback)
 Registers a control register write callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterCrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current control register write callback, unsubscribing introcore from CR events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterXcrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntXcrWriteCallback Callback)
 Registers an extended control register write callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterXcrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current extended control register write callback, unsubscribing introcore from XCR events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterBreakpointHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntBreakpointCallback Callback)
 Registers a break point event callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterBreakpointHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current break point event callback, unsubscribing introcore from BP events. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterEventInjectionHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntEventInjectionCallback Callback)
 Registers an event injection callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterEventInjectionHandler) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current event injection callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterEnginesResultCallback) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntEventEnginesResultCallback Callback)
 Registers a third party scan result callback. This API is optional. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterEnginesResultCalback) (void *GuestHandle)
 Unregisters the current third party scan result callback. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRequestVcpusPause) (void *GuestHandle)
 Pauses all the VCPUs assigned to a guest. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRequestVcpusResume) (void *GuestHandle)
 Resumes all the VCPUs assigned to a guest that were previously paused with a GLUE_IFACE.PauseVcpus call. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntReserveVaSpaceWithPt) (void *GuestHandle, void **FirstPageBase, DWORD *PagesCount, void **PtBase)
 Reserves a dedicated memory region inside the hypervisor page tables. This API is optional. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInjectTrap) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, BYTE TrapNumber, DWORD ErrorCode, QWORD Cr2)
 Injects an exception inside the guest. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionDetectedOs) (void *GuestHandle, PGUEST_INFO GuestInfo)
 Notifies the integrator that the introspection engine detected an operating system. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionErrorState) (void *GuestHandle, INTRO_ERROR_STATE Error, PINTRO_ERROR_CONTEXT Context)
 Notifies the integrator about an error encountered by the introspection engine. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionActivated) (void *GuestHandle)
 Notifies the integrator that the introspection engine is active. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionDeactivated) (void *GuestHandle)
 Notifies the integrator that the introspection engine is no longer active. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetIntroEmulatorContext) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, QWORD VirtualAddress, DWORD BufferSize, PBYTE Buffer)
 Sets the memory contents with which an instruction will be emulated by the hypervisor. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetAgentContent) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD AgentTag, BOOLEAN Is64, DWORD *Size, PBYTE *Content)
 Gets the content of the agent file. This API is optional. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntReleaseBuffer) (void *GuestHandle, void *Buffer, DWORD Size)
 Frees all the resources associated with the given buffer. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntToggleRepOptimization) (void *GuestHandle, BOOLEAN Enable)
 Enables or disables the REP optimization. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyNewGuest) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Options, PBYTE UpdateBuffer, DWORD BufferLength)
 Notifies introcore that the guest must be introspected. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDisableIntro) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Flags)
 Disables the introspection engine. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUpdateExceptions) (void *GuestHandle, PBYTE Buffer, DWORD Length, DWORD Flags)
 Loads a new exceptions version. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUpdateSupport) (void *GuestHandle, PBYTE Buffer, DWORD Length)
 Loads a new CAMI version. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetSupportVersion) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD *MajorVersion, DWORD *MinorVersion, DWORD *BuildNumber)
 Get the current version of CAMI. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetExceptionsVersion) (void *GuestHandle, WORD *Major, WORD *Minor, DWORD *BuildNumber)
 Get the current exceptions version. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetGuestInfo) (void *GuestHandle, PGUEST_INFO GuestInfo)
 Get a description of the introspected guest. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntAddExceptionFromAlert) (void *GuestHandle, const void *Event, INTRO_EVENT_TYPE Type, BOOLEAN Exception, QWORD Context)
 Adds an exception for an alert reported by introcore. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntFlushAlertExceptions) (void *GuestHandle)
 Removes all the custom exceptions added with GLUE_IFACE.AddExceptionFromAlert. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRemoveException) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Context)
 Removes a custom exception added with GLUE_IFACE.AddExceptionFromAlert. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf16) (void *GuestHandle, const WCHAR *FullPath, DWORD ProtectionMask, BOOLEAN Add, QWORD Context)
 Toggles protection for a process. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf8) (void *GuestHandle, const CHAR *FullPath, DWORD ProtectionMask, BOOLEAN Add, QWORD Context)
 Toggles protection for a process. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetIntroAbortStatus) (void *GuestHandle, BOOLEAN Abort)
 Abort the introcore loading process. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRemoveAllProtectedProcesses) (void *GuestHandle)
 Removes the protection policies for all processes. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyGuestPowerStateChange) (void *GuestHandle, IG_GUEST_POWER_STATE PowerState)
 Notifies introcore about a guest power state change. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInjectProcessAgent) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD AgentTag, PBYTE AgentContent, DWORD AgentSize, const CHAR *Name, const CHAR *Args)
 Requests a process agent injection inside the guest. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInjectFileAgent) (void *GuestHandle, PBYTE FileContent, DWORD FileSize, const CHAR *Name)
 Drops a file on the guest hard disk. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetCurrentInstructionLength) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, BYTE *Length)
 Returns the length of the instruction at which the current guest RIP points. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetCurrentInstructionMnemonic) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, CHAR *Mnemonic)
 Returns the mnemonic of the instruction at which the current guest RIP points. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_VirtualAddressSpaceCallback) (QWORD Cr3, QWORD VirtualAddress, QWORD Entry, QWORD PageSize)
 The type of callback invoked by PFUNC_IntIterateVaSpace while iterating the guest virtual address space. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIterateVaSpace) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Cr3, PFUNC_VirtualAddressSpaceCallback Callback)
 Iterates over the guest virtual address space. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntModifyDynamicOptions) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD NewDynamicOptions)
 Modifies the introcore options. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntFlushGpaCache) (void *GuestHandle)
 Flushed the introcore GPA cache. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetCurrentIntroOptions) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD *IntroOptions)
 Get the currently used introcore options. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetLogLevel) (void *GuestHandle, IG_LOG_LEVEL LogLevel)
 Sets the log level. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetVersionString) (DWORD FullStringSize, DWORD VersionStringSize, CHAR *FullString, CHAR *VersionString)
 Get the version string information for the current guest. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDebugProcessCommand) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, DWORD Argc, CHAR *Argv[])
 Executes a debugger command. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetVeInfoPage) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, QWORD VeInfoGpa)
 Set the Virtualization exception info page. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntCreateEPT) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD *EptIndex)
 Creates a new EPT. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDestroyEPT) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex)
 Destroys an EPT. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSwitchEPT) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD NewEptIndex)
 Switches the currently loaded EPT. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetEPTPageConvertible) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BOOLEAN *Convertible)
 Get the convertible status of a guest physical page. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetEPTPageConvertible) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BOOLEAN Convertible)
 Set the convertible status of a guest physical page. More...
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntFlushEPTPermissions) (void *GuestHandle)
 Flushes the EPT access permissions. Once this function returns, the caller can be assured that all modifications made to the EPT ar globally visible for the guest. More...
typedef struct _GLUE_IFACE GLUE_IFACE
 Interface used for communicating between the introspection engine and the integrator. More...
typedef void(* PFUNC_IntPreinit) (void)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInit) (PGLUE_IFACE GlueInterface, PUPPER_IFACE UpperInterface)
typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUninit) (void)
typedef BOOLEAN(* PFUNC_IntCheckCompatibility) (DWORD IntegratorMajor, DWORD IntegratorMinor, DWORD IntegratorRevision, DWORD IntegratorBuild, DWORD *IntroMajor, DWORD *IntroMinor, DWORD *IntroRevision, DWORD *IntroBuild, DWORD Reserved)


enum  IG_MEMTYPE {
  IG_MEM_UC = 0x0, IG_MEM_WC = 0x1, IG_MEM_WT = 0x4, IG_MEM_WP = 0x5,
 Memory type values. More...
 The type of the MSR access. More...
 The type of the code segment. More...
 The current protection level. More...
 Describes the type of query done by GLUE_IFACE.QueryGuestInfo. More...
 Ept violation types. More...
 Descriptor table access flags. More...
enum  IG_AGENT_TAG {
 Deployable agent tags. More...
enum  _IG_GUEST_POWER_STATE { intGuestPowerStateResume = 1, intGuestPowerStateSleep, intGuestPowerStateShutDown, intGuestPowerStateTerminating }
 The guest power state. More...
enum  _IG_LOG_LEVEL {
  intLogLevelDebug, intLogLevelInfo, intLogLevelWarning, intLogLevelError,
 Controls the verbosity of the logs. More...

Detailed Description

Defines an interface used by the introspection engine to communicate with an integrator.

Part of the interface is implemented by the introspection engine, allowing an integrator to control its behavior, while the other part needs support from the underlying hypervisor.

Definition in file glueiface.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GLUE_IFACE_VERSION_1   0x00010111

Definition at line 2224 of file glueiface.h.



Definition at line 2225 of file glueiface.h.



Definition at line 2227 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntGlueInit().



Definition at line 2228 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntGlueInit().



For APIs that take an ETPT index as a parameter, this can be used to specify that the current EPT should be used.

Definition at line 327 of file glueiface.h.



For APIs that take a VCPU number as a parameter, this can be used to specify that the current VCPU should be used.

Definition at line 324 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf16(), IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf8(), IntAlertFillCodeBlocks(), IntAlertFillExecContext(), IntAlertFillWinProcess(), IntAlertFillWinProcessCurrent(), IntApiEnter(), IntCr0Read(), IntCr3Read(), IntCr4Read(), IntCr8Read(), IntDecComputeLinearAddress(), IntDecComputeVsibLinearAddresses(), IntDecDecodeOperandSize(), IntDecEmulateRead(), IntDecGetAccessedMem(), IntDecGetMaxvl(), IntDecGetSetSseRegValue(), IntDecGetWrittenValueFromInstruction(), IntDisableIntro(), IntDisasmBuffer(), IntDisasmGva(), IntDumpGvaEx(), IntExceptDumpSignatures(), IntExceptKernelLogLinuxInformation(), IntExceptVerifyCodeBlocksSig(), IntExceptVerifyValueCodeSig(), IntFlushGpaCache(), IntGetCurrentInstructionLength(), IntGetGprs(), IntGetGuestInfo(), IntGetValueFromOperand(), IntGetVersionString(), IntGetXsaveAreaSize(), IntGuestDetectOs(), IntGuestHandleCr3Write(), IntHookGpaInit(), IntInjectFileAgentInGuest(), IntInjectProcessAgentInGuest(), IntIterateVaSpace(), IntIterateVirtualAddressSpace(), IntLixGuestIsKptiActive(), IntLixGuestNew(), IntLixTaskGetCurrentTaskStruct(), IntPeFindFunctionStart(), IntRemoveAllProtectedProcesses(), IntRipRead(), IntSerializeExtractCodeBlocks(), IntSerializeRipCode(), IntSetGprs(), IntSetValueForOperand(), IntShcIsSuspiciousCode(), IntSwapMemInjectPendingPF(), IntTranslateVirtualAddress(), IntTranslateVirtualAddressEx(), IntUpdateSupport(), IntVeFindKernelKvaShadowAndKernelExit(), IntVeHandleEPTViolationInProtectedView(), IntVeIsPtrInAgent(), IntVirtMemMap(), IntVirtMemReadWrite(), IntVirtMemSafeWrite(), IntVirtMemSet(), IntWinAgentDeployWinDriver(), IntWinAgentHandleDriverVmcall(), IntWinAgentHandleLoader1Hypercall(), IntWinAgentRestoreState32(), IntWinAgentRestoreState64(), IntWinApiHookVeHandler(), IntWinGuestFindIdleCr3(), IntWinGuestFindKernelCr3(), IntWinGuestFindSystemCr3(), IntWinGuestNew(), IntWinStackTraceGetUser(), IntWinStackUserTrapFrameGetGeneric(), IntWinThrGetCurrentStackBaseAndLimit(), IntWinThrGetCurrentThread(), and IntWinThrGetCurrentTib().



If passed to GLUE_IFACE.DisableIntro, will cause introcore to unload even if this will left the guest in an unstable state.

Definition at line 365 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntGuestDisableIntro(), and IntUninit().


#define IG_IA32_DEBUGCTL   0x000001D9

Definition at line 151 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntDebugCtlRead().


#define IG_IA32_EFER   0xC0000080

Definition at line 144 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntEferRead().


#define IG_IA32_FS_BASE   0xC0000100

Definition at line 147 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntFsRead().


#define IG_IA32_GS_BASE   0xC0000101

Definition at line 148 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntGsRead().


#define IG_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE   0xC0000102

Definition at line 149 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntKernelGsRead().


#define IG_IA32_LBR_TOS   0x000001C9

Definition at line 150 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntLbrRead().


#define IG_IA32_LSTAR   0xC0000082


#define IG_IA32_MC0_CTL   0x00000400

Definition at line 143 of file glueiface.h.


#define IG_IA32_MISC_ENABLE   0x000001A0

Definition at line 141 of file glueiface.h.


#define IG_IA32_PAT   0x00000277

Definition at line 142 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntTranslateVirtualAddressEx().


#define IG_IA32_STAR   0xC0000081


#define IG_IA32_SYSENTER_CS   0x00000174


#define IG_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP   0x00000176


#define IG_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP   0x00000175



Definition at line 329 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntGuestGetInfo(), and IntNotifyIntroDetectedOs().



Definition at line 1712 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntWinAgentInject().



Definition at line 1711 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntWinAgentInject().


#define IG_PHYSMAP_NO_CACHE   0x00000001

Signals that a physical mapping request should bypass any existing caches.

Definition at line 368 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntVirtMemMap().



The timer frequency (1 call per second).

Definition at line 371 of file glueiface.h.

Referenced by IntHandleTimer().

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct _GLUE_IFACE GLUE_IFACE

Interface used for communicating between the introspection engine and the integrator.

Before using any of the function pointers in the structure, it must be validated using the GLUE_IFACE.Version and GLUE_IFACE.Size fields in order to ensure that the introcore version used matches the one for which this header file was published.

Documentation for each function from the interface is found on the documentation for that specific function pointer.


typedef struct _IG_ARCH_REGS IG_ARCH_REGS

Holds register state.


Descriptor table access flags.

IG_DESC_ACCESS_READ and IG_DESC_ACCESS_WRITE can be combined with any of the other values, describing both the descriptor table register that was accessed and the access type.


Definition at line 303 of file glueiface.h.


Ept violation types.


The guest power state.


Controls the verbosity of the logs.


typedef struct _IG_QUERY_MSR IG_QUERY_MSR

The MSR query structure.

On GLUE_IFACE.QueryGuestInfo calls that have InfoClass set to IG_QUERY_INFO_CLASS_READ_MSR, the Buffer parameter will point to a structure of this type.


typedef struct _IG_SEG_REGS IG_SEG_REGS

Holds segment register state.



Describes an XSAVE area format.

◆ PFUNC_IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf16

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf16) (void *GuestHandle, const WCHAR *FullPath, DWORD ProtectionMask, BOOLEAN Add, QWORD Context)

Toggles protection for a process.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]FullPathThe name or the full path of the process.
[in]ProtectionMaskProtection flags. A combination of the Process protection options values. Ignored if Add is False.
[in]AddTrue if the process should be protected, False if the protection should be removed.
[in]ContextIntegrator-specific context that will be passed back by introcore when sending notifications related tot his process.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the introspection engine is preparing to unload.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif an identical protection policy already exists.

Definition at line 1635 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf8

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf8) (void *GuestHandle, const CHAR *FullPath, DWORD ProtectionMask, BOOLEAN Add, QWORD Context)

Toggles protection for a process.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]FullPathThe name or the full path of the process.
[in]ProtectionMaskProtection flags. A combination of the Process protection options values. Ignored if Add is False.
[in]AddTrue if the process should be protected, False if the protection should be removed.
[in]ContextIntegrator-specific context that will be passed back by introcore when sending notifications related tot his process.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the introspection engine is preparing to unload.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif an identical protection policy already exists.

Definition at line 1661 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntBreakpointCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntBreakpointCallback) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD PhysicalAddress, DWORD CpuNumber)

Callback that must be invoked when the guest hits a breakpoint. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterBreakpointHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]PhysicalAddressThe guest physical address at which the instruction that triggered the breakpoint is located.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU on which the access was attempted.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif this INT3 is not monitored by introcore.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 590 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntCheckCompatibility

typedef BOOLEAN(* PFUNC_IntCheckCompatibility) (DWORD IntegratorMajor, DWORD IntegratorMinor, DWORD IntegratorRevision, DWORD IntegratorBuild, DWORD *IntroMajor, DWORD *IntroMinor, DWORD *IntroRevision, DWORD *IntroBuild, DWORD Reserved)

Definition at line 2253 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntCreateEPT

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntCreateEPT) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD *EptIndex)

Creates a new EPT.

This API is optional

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[out]EptIndexThe EPTP index for the newly created EPT.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1976 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntCrWriteCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntCrWriteCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Cr, DWORD CpuNumber, QWORD OldValue, QWORD NewValue, INTRO_ACTION *Action)

Callback that must be invoked when the guest tries to modify a control register. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterCrWriteHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CrThe control register that was accessed.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU on which the access was attempted.
[in]OldValueThe original value of the register.
[in]NewValueThe value that the guest attempted to write.
[out]ActionThe action that must be taken.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif introcore is not monitoring this control register.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 543 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntDebugProcessCommand

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDebugProcessCommand) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, DWORD Argc, CHAR *Argv[])

Executes a debugger command.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe current VCPU number.
[in]ArgcThe number of arguments.
[in]ArgvAn array of NULL terminated strings.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.

Definition at line 1937 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntDestroyEPT

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDestroyEPT) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex)

Destroys an EPT.

This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EptIndexThe EPTP index of the EPT that will be deleted.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1992 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntDisableCrWriteExit

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDisableCrWriteExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Cr)

Disable VMEXIT events for a control register.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CrThe control register for which the exit is disabled.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1044 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntDisableIntro

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDisableIntro) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Flags)

Disables the introspection engine.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]FlagsFlags that control the disable method. Can be 0 or IG_DISABLE_IGNORE_SAFENESS.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSif the operation completed with success.
INT_STATUS_CANNOT_UNLOADif introcore can not be disabled at the moment. In these cases the integrator should let the guest run for a while (1 second, for example) and then try to disable introcore again. This status can not be returned if Flags is set to IG_DISABLE_IGNORE_SAFENESS.
Note that using IG_DISABLE_IGNORE_SAFENESS may put the guest in an unstable state.

Definition at line 1432 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntDisableMsrExit

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntDisableMsrExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Msr, BOOLEAN *OldValue)

Disable VMEXIT events for a MSR.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]MsrThe MSR for which the exit is disabled.
[out]OldValueTrue if the exit was enabled before this call, False otherwise.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 909 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntEnableCrWriteExit

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEnableCrWriteExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Cr)

Enables VMEXIT events for a control register.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CrThe control register for which the exit is enabled.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1030 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntEnableMsrExit

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEnableMsrExit) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Msr, BOOLEAN *OldValue)

Enables VMEXIT events for a MSR.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]MsrThe MSR for which the exit is enabled.
[out]OldValueTrue if the exit was already enabled, False otherwise.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 893 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntEPTViolationCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEPTViolationCallback) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD PhysicalAddress, DWORD Length, QWORD VirtualAddress, DWORD CpuNumber, INTRO_ACTION *Action, IG_EPT_ACCESS Type)

Callback that must be invoked on EPT violation VMEXITs. The introspection engines registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterEPTHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]PhysicalAddressThe physical address for which the exit was triggered.
[in]LengthThe size of the access that triggered exit.
[in]VirtualAddressThe guest linear address for which the exit was triggered.
[in]CpuNumberThe virtual CPU for which the exit was triggered.
[out]ActionThe action that must be taken.
[in]TypeThe type of the access. Can be a combination of IG_EPT_HOOK_TYPE values.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_FORCE_ACTION_ON_BETAif the action should be taken even if the introspection engine is in log only (beta) mode.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 428 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntEventEnginesResultCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEventEnginesResultCallback) (void *GuestHandle, PENG_NOTIFICATION_HEADER EngineNotification)

Optional callback that must be invoked with the result of additional, external, scanning methods. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterEnginesResultCallback API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EngineNotificationA pointer to a engine notification structure that was provided by introcore with a GLUE_IFACE.NotifyScanEngines API call.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
Every GLUE_IFACE.NotifyScanEngines call made by introcore must be matched by an invocation of this callback, otherwise the resources allocated for the EngineNotification structures will not be freed.

Definition at line 633 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntEventInjectionCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntEventInjectionCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Vector, QWORD ErrorCode, QWORD Cr2, DWORD CpuNumber)

Callback that must be invoked when an exception is successfully injected inside the guest. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterEventInjectionHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier
[in]VectorThe exception vector that was injected
[in]ErrorCodeThe error code of the injected exception, if it exists
[in]Cr2The Cr3 value. This parameter is valid only for page fault injections
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU on which the access was attempted
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.

Definition at line 610 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntFlushEPTPermissions

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntFlushEPTPermissions) (void *GuestHandle)

Flushes the EPT access permissions. Once this function returns, the caller can be assured that all modifications made to the EPT ar globally visible for the guest.

This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 2065 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntFlushGpaCache

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntFlushGpaCache) (void *GuestHandle)

Flushed the introcore GPA cache.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_NEEDED_HINTif there is no active GPA cache.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1864 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetAgentContent

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetAgentContent) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD AgentTag, BOOLEAN Is64, DWORD *Size, PBYTE *Content)

Gets the content of the agent file. This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]AgentTagThe tag of the agent. See IG_AGENT_TAG for possible values.
[in]Is64True if the contents will be for a 64-bit agent, False if not.
[out]SizeThe size of the agent contents.
[out]ContentThe pointer to the agent contents.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1342 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetCurrentInstructionLength

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetCurrentInstructionLength) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, BYTE *Length)

Returns the length of the instruction at which the current guest RIP points.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU for which the query is done. This can not be IG_CURRENT_VCPU.
[out]LengthThe length of the instruction.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1778 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetCurrentInstructionMnemonic

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetCurrentInstructionMnemonic) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, CHAR *Mnemonic)

Returns the mnemonic of the instruction at which the current guest RIP points.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU for which the query is done. This can not be IG_CURRENT_VCPU.
[out]MnemonicNULL-terminated string containing the mnemonic. This buffer should have a size of at least ND_MAX_MNEMONIC_LENGTH.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1797 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetCurrentIntroOptions

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetCurrentIntroOptions) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD *IntroOptions)

Get the currently used introcore options.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier
[out]IntroOptionsThe options that are used. Will be a combination of Activation and protection flags values.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZEDif no guest is currently introspected.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1880 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetEPTPageConvertible

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetEPTPageConvertible) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BOOLEAN *Convertible)

Get the convertible status of a guest physical page.

This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EptIndexThe index of the EPT for which the query is done. Can be IG_CURRENT_EPT.
[in]AddressThe guest physical address for which the query is done.
[out]ConvertibleTrue if the page is convertible, False if it is not.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 2026 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetEPTPageProtection

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetEPTPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BYTE *Read, BYTE *Write, BYTE *Execute)

Returns the EPT access rights for a guest physical page.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier
[in]EptIndexThe EPTP index of the EPT for which the query is done. Can be IG_CURRENT_EPT to signal that the currently loaded EPT should be used.
[in]AddressThe guest physical address for which the access rights are requested.
[out]Read1 if the page is readable, 0 otherwise. Ignored on unsuccessful calls.
[out]Write1 if the page is writable, 0 otherwise. Ignored on unsuccessful calls.
[out]Execute1 if the page is executable, 0 otherwise. Ignored on unsuccessful calls.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 793 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetGuestInfo

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetGuestInfo) (void *GuestHandle, PGUEST_INFO GuestInfo)

Get a description of the introspected guest.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[out]GuestInfoA pointer to a GUEST_INFO structure that will contain information about the guest.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif the guest is already introspected.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1548 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetPhysicalPageTypeFromMtrrs

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetPhysicalPageTypeFromMtrrs) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Gpa, IG_MEMTYPE *MemType)

Returns the memory type of a guest physical page, as taken from the MTRRs.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]GpaThe guest physical address for which the memory type is requested.
[out]MemTypeThe memory type of the Gpa.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 773 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetSPPPageProtection

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetSPPPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Address, QWORD *SppValue)

Returns the SPP protection rights for a guest physical address. This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]AddressThe guest physical address for which the query is done.
[out]SppValueOn success, will contain the SPP table entry for Address.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 835 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetSupportVersion

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetSupportVersion) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD *MajorVersion, DWORD *MinorVersion, DWORD *BuildNumber)

Get the current version of CAMI.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[out]MajorVersionThe major version.
[out]MinorVersionThe minor version.
[out]BuildNumberThe build number.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif the guest is already introspected.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1507 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGetVersionString

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGetVersionString) (DWORD FullStringSize, DWORD VersionStringSize, CHAR *FullString, CHAR *VersionString)

Get the version string information for the current guest.

[in]FullStringSizeThe size, in bytes, of the FullString buffer, including the NULL terminator.
[in]VersionStringSizeThe size, in bytes, of the VersionString buffer, including the NULL terminator.
[out]FullStringA NULL-terminated string containing detailed version information.
[out]VersionStringA NULL-terminated string containing human-readable version information.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZEDif no guest is currently introspected.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_DATA_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLif one or both of the buffers are not large enough.

Definition at line 1914 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntGpaToHpa

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntGpaToHpa) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Gpa, QWORD *Hpa)

Translates a guest physical address to a host physical address.

This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]GpaGuest physical address to be translated.
[out]HpaHost physical address at which the GPA is mapped.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 722 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntInit

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInit) (PGLUE_IFACE GlueInterface, PUPPER_IFACE UpperInterface)

Definition at line 2242 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntInjectFileAgent

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInjectFileAgent) (void *GuestHandle, PBYTE FileContent, DWORD FileSize, const CHAR *Name)

Drops a file on the guest hard disk.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]FileContentThe contents of the file.
[in]FileSizeThe size of the file, in bytes.
[in]NameA NULL-terminated string containing the name of the file.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the introspection engine is preparing to unload.
INT_STATUS_UNINIT_BUGCHECKif introcore is unloading as a result of a guest crash.

Definition at line 1759 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntInjectProcessAgent

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInjectProcessAgent) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD AgentTag, PBYTE AgentContent, DWORD AgentSize, const CHAR *Name, const CHAR *Args)

Requests a process agent injection inside the guest.

This function will create a new process inside the guest, running the executable provided by the integrator.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]AgentTagThe tag of the agent.
[in]AgentContentThe contents of the agent. If AgentTag is not IG_AGENT_TAG_CUSTOM_TOOL this buffer can not be NULL.
[in]AgentSizeThe size of the AgentContent buffer, in bytes.
[in]NameA NULL-terminated string that contains the name the process will have inside the guest.
[in]ArgsA NULL-terminated string containing the arguments that will be passed to the process. Can be NULL.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the introspection engine is preparing to unload.
INT_STATUS_UNINIT_BUGCHECKif introcore is unloading as a result of a guest crash.

Definition at line 1735 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntInjectTrap

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntInjectTrap) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, BYTE TrapNumber, DWORD ErrorCode, QWORD Cr2)

Injects an exception inside the guest.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU on which the injection will be done.
[in]TrapNumberThe exception number.
[in]ErrorCodeThe error code, for exceptions that have one.
[in]Cr2For page fault injections, the value of the CR2, ignored for other types.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1240 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntIntroCallCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIntroCallCallback) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Rip, DWORD Cpu)

Callback that must be invoked when the guest executes a VMCALL. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterIntroCallHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]RipThe guest linear address of the VMCALL instruction.
[in]CpuThe VCPU number on which the VMCALL was executed.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif this VMCALL was not issued for the introspection engine.
INT_STATUS_UNINIT_BUGCHECKif introcore is unloading as a result of a guest crash.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 483 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntIntroDescriptorTableCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIntroDescriptorTableCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Flags, DWORD CpuNumber, INTRO_ACTION *Action)

Callback that must be invoked when the guest accesses a descriptor table register. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterDtrHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]FlagsFlags that describe the access. Can be a combination of IG_DESC_ACCESS values.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU on which the access was attempted.
[out]ActionAction that must be taken.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 518 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntIntroTimerCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIntroTimerCallback) (void *GuestHandle)

A periodic timer callback that must be invoked once per second. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterIntroTimerHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.

Definition at line 499 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntIterateVaSpace

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntIterateVaSpace) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Cr3, PFUNC_VirtualAddressSpaceCallback Callback)

Iterates over the guest virtual address space.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]Cr3The guest CR3 that describes the address space over which to iterate.
[in]CallbackCallback that will be invoked for every valid page.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1831 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntModifyDynamicOptions

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntModifyDynamicOptions) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD NewDynamicOptions)

Modifies the introcore options.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]NewDynamicOptionsThe new options. These are a combination of Activation and protection flags values.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.

Definition at line 1848 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntMSRViolationCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntMSRViolationCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD Msr, IG_MSR_HOOK_TYPE Flags, INTRO_ACTION *Action, QWORD OriginalValue, QWORD *NewValue, DWORD CpuNumber)

Callback that must be invoked on MSR violation VMEXITs. The introspection engines registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterMSRHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]MsrThe physical MSR for which the exit was triggered.
[in]FlagsFlags describing the access.
[out]ActionThe action that must be taken.
[in]OriginalValueThe original value of the MSR.
[out]NewValueThe new value of the MSR, after introcore handled the access.
[in]CpuNumberThe virtual CPU for which the exit was triggered.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif introcore is not monitoring accesses done to this MSR.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 457 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyEngines

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyEngines) (void *GuestHandle, void *Parameters)

If implemented, introcore can use this API to signal that an additional memory scan. can be done.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier
[in]ParametersA pointer to an event specific structure: either ENG_NOTIFICATION_CODE_EXEC, or ENG_NOTIFICATION_CMD_LINE. The buffer always starts with a ENG_NOTIFICATION_HEADER, so the type of the event can be determined based on ENG_NOTIFICATION_HEADER.Type. The buffer remains valid after this function returns so the scan can be done asynchronously. The integrator is responsible of notifying introcore when the buffer is no longer needed by invoking the notification callback registered with GLUE_IFACE.RegisterEnginesResultCallback.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 705 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyGuestPowerStateChange

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyGuestPowerStateChange) (void *GuestHandle, IG_GUEST_POWER_STATE PowerState)

Notifies introcore about a guest power state change.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]PowerStateThe power state to which the guest is transitioning.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.

Definition at line 1706 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyIntroAlert

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntroAlert) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EventClass, void *Parameters, size_t EventSize)

Used by introcore to report events to the integrator.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EventClassOne of the INTRO_EVENT_TYPE values, specifying the type of event.
[in]ParametersA pointer to a event specific structure. Once this function returns, the Parameters buffer is no longer valid.
[in]EventSizeThe size of the Parameters buffer.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 682 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionActivated

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionActivated) (void *GuestHandle)

Notifies the integrator that the introspection engine is active.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1287 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionDeactivated

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionDeactivated) (void *GuestHandle)

Notifies the integrator that the introspection engine is no longer active.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1299 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionDetectedOs

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionDetectedOs) (void *GuestHandle, PGUEST_INFO GuestInfo)

Notifies the integrator that the introspection engine detected an operating system.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]GuestInfoInformation about the type and version of the detected operating system.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1257 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionErrorState

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyIntrospectionErrorState) (void *GuestHandle, INTRO_ERROR_STATE Error, PINTRO_ERROR_CONTEXT Context)

Notifies the integrator about an error encountered by the introspection engine.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]ErrorThe encountered error.
[in]ContextError specific context. Not all INTRO_ERROR_STATE values have a context. Once this function returns, the Context pointer is no longer valid.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1273 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntNotifyNewGuest

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntNotifyNewGuest) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Options, PBYTE UpdateBuffer, DWORD BufferLength)

Notifies introcore that the guest must be introspected.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier. The introspection engine treats this as an opaque value. It will be passed back to the integrator when calling GLUE_IFACE APIs. It must not change while the introspection engine is running.
[in]OptionsActivation and protection flags. See Activation and protection flags.
[in]UpdateBufferThe CAMI buffer that will be used by introcore for information about the guest. It must remain valid until introcore calls GLUE_FACE.ReleaseBuffer.
[in]BufferLengthThe size of the buffer, in bytes.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif the guest is already introspected.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif introcore can not introspect this guest because it is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_DATA_SIZEif the CAMI buffer is not big enough. This usually points to a corruption in the buffer.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_DATA_TYPEif the CAMI buffer is corrupted.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the CAMI version is not supported.
Note that even if the function exits with success, certain aspects of the initialization are done on VMEXIT events, thus other errors could stop introcore from properly introspecting a guest. GLUE_IFACE.NotifyIntrospectionErrorState will be used to report such errors.

Definition at line 1411 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntPhysMemMapToHost

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntPhysMemMapToHost) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD PhysAddress, DWORD Length, DWORD Flags, void **HostPtr)

Maps a guest physical address to the host virtual space.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]PhysAddressThe guest physical address that must be mapped.
[in]LengthThe size of the region that must be mapped, in bytes.
[in]FlagsAdditional flags. Currently, the only available flag is IG_PHYSMAP_NO_CACHE.
[out]HostPtrA pointer to the pointer that will map the physical memory area. This pointer must remain valid until introcore calls GLUE_IFACE.PhysMemUnmap.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 741 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntPhysMemUnmap

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntPhysMemUnmap) (void *GuestHandle, void **HostPtr)

Frees any resources allocated by a GLUE_IFACE.PhysMemMapToHost call.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in,out]HostPtrA pointer to the pointer that maps the physical memory previously mapped.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 758 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntPreinit

typedef void(* PFUNC_IntPreinit) (void)

Definition at line 2237 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntQueryGuestInfo

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntQueryGuestInfo) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD InfoClass, void *InfoParam, void *Buffer, DWORD BufferLength)

API exposed by the integrator that allows introcore to obtain various information about the guest.

Based on the InfoClass value, the functions should get or set different guest attributes, as follows. See IG_QUERY_INFO_CLASS.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]InfoClassCan be any of the IG_QUERY_INFO_CLASS values. The other parameters. have different meanings based on the value of this parameter
[in]InfoParamFor IG_QUERY_INFO_CLASS values that specify a VCPU number, it is the VCPU number. For the others it is not used. It can be IG_CURRENT_VCPU for the current VCPU.
[in,out]BufferIt has different meanings based on InfoClass. See above for details.
[in]BufferLengthThe size of Buffer, in bytes.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 660 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterBreakpointHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterBreakpointHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntBreakpointCallback Callback)

Registers a break point event callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on break point exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1110 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterCrWriteHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterCrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntCrWriteCallback Callback)

Registers a control register write callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on CR write violation exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1058 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterDescriptorTableHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterDescriptorTableHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntIntroDescriptorTableCallback Callback)

Registers a descriptor table access callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on DTR violation exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1004 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterEnginesResultCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterEnginesResultCallback) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntEventEnginesResultCallback Callback)

Registers a third party scan result callback. This API is optional.

If this API is implemented, PFUNC_IntUnregisterEnginesResultCalback should also be implemented.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked when the third party tools finished a scan.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1164 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterEPTHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterEPTHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntEPTViolationCallback Callback)

Registers and EPT exit callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on EPT violation exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 866 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterEventInjectionHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterEventInjectionHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntEventInjectionCallback Callback)

Registers an event injection callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked when an exception is injected inside the guest.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1136 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterIntroCallHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterIntroCallHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntIntroCallCallback Callback)

Registers a VMCALL exit handler.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on VMCALL exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 952 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterMSRHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterMSRHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntMSRViolationCallback Callback)

Registers a MSR exit handler.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on MSR violation exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.
If multiple callbacks are registered, only the last one will be considered valid.

Definition at line 926 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterVmxTimerHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterVmxTimerHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntIntroTimerCallback Callback)

Registers a timer callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 978 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRegisterXcrWriteHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRegisterXcrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle, PFUNC_IntXcrWriteCallback Callback)

Registers an extended control register write callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CallbackThe callback that must be invoked on XCR write violation exits.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1084 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntReleaseBuffer

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntReleaseBuffer) (void *GuestHandle, void *Buffer, DWORD Size)

Frees all the resources associated with the given buffer.

This is primarily used by the CAMI update mechanism to notify the integrator when the CAMI buffer can safely be freed.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]BufferThe buffer to be freed.
[in]SizeThe size of the buffer.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1362 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRemoveAllProtectedProcesses

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRemoveAllProtectedProcesses) (void *GuestHandle)

Removes the protection policies for all processes.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the introspection engine is preparing to unload.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif an identical protection policy already exists.

Definition at line 1693 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRequestVcpusPause

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRequestVcpusPause) (void *GuestHandle)

Pauses all the VCPUs assigned to a guest.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.
Failures of this API are considered fatal errors by the introspection engine.

Definition at line 1193 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntRequestVcpusResume

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntRequestVcpusResume) (void *GuestHandle)

Resumes all the VCPUs assigned to a guest that were previously paused with a GLUE_IFACE.PauseVcpus call.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.
Failures of this API are considered fatal errors by the introspection engine.

Definition at line 1207 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntReserveVaSpaceWithPt

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntReserveVaSpaceWithPt) (void *GuestHandle, void **FirstPageBase, DWORD *PagesCount, void **PtBase)

Reserves a dedicated memory region inside the hypervisor page tables. This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[out]FirstPageBaseThe virtual address of the first virtual address space reserved.
[out]PagesCountThe number of reserved pages.
[out]PtBasePointer to the base of the page tables.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1222 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetEPTPageConvertible

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetEPTPageConvertible) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BOOLEAN Convertible)

Set the convertible status of a guest physical page.

This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EptIndexThe index of the EPT for which the query is done. Can be IG_CURRENT_EPT.
[in]AddressThe guest physical address for which the query is done.
[in]ConvertibleTrue if the page will be made convertible, False if it will be made not convertible.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 2046 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetEPTPageProtection

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetEPTPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD EptIndex, QWORD Address, BYTE Read, BYTE Write, BYTE Execute)

Sets the EPT access rights for a guest physical page.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EptIndexThe EPTP index of the EPT for which the query is done. Can be IG_CURRENT_EPT to signal that the currently loaded EPT should be used.
[in]AddressThe guest physical address for which the access rights are requested.
[in]Read1 if the read permission is granted, 0 if not.
[in]Write1 if the write permission is granted, 0 if not.
[in]Execute1 if the execute permission is granted, 0 if not.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 816 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetIntroAbortStatus

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetIntroAbortStatus) (void *GuestHandle, BOOLEAN Abort)

Abort the introcore loading process.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.

Definition at line 1676 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetIntroEmulatorContext

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetIntroEmulatorContext) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, QWORD VirtualAddress, DWORD BufferSize, PBYTE Buffer)

Sets the memory contents with which an instruction will be emulated by the hypervisor.

When this function is called, the emulation of the instruction that caused the current VMEXIT should use Buffer contents instead of the real memory contents when emulating accesses in the range [VirtualAddress, VirtualAddress + BufferSize).

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU number. Can be IG_CURRENT_VCPU.
[in]VirtualAddressThe virtual address for which the Buffer contents will be used. It is important that the hypervisor uses this address, and not the one reported by the VMEXIT as they can be different.
[in]BufferSizeThe size of the buffer, in bytes.
[in]BufferThe emulator context buffer.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1322 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetLogLevel

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetLogLevel) (void *GuestHandle, IG_LOG_LEVEL LogLevel)

Sets the log level.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]LogLevelThe new log level.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.

Definition at line 1894 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetSPPPageProtection

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetSPPPageProtection) (void *GuestHandle, QWORD Address, QWORD SppValue)

Set the SPP protection rights for a guest physical address. This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]AddressThe guest physical address for which the query is done.
[out]SppValueThe SPP table entry for Address.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 851 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSetVeInfoPage

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSetVeInfoPage) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, QWORD VeInfoGpa)

Set the Virtualization exception info page.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU Number for which the setting is done.
[in]VeInfoGpaThe guest physical address at which the info page resides.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1959 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntSwitchEPT

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntSwitchEPT) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD NewEptIndex)

Switches the currently loaded EPT.

This API is optional.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EptIndexThe index of the EPT that will be loaded.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 2008 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntToggleRepOptimization

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntToggleRepOptimization) (void *GuestHandle, BOOLEAN Enable)

Enables or disables the REP optimization.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]EnableTrue if the optimizations will be enabled, False if not.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1377 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUninit

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUninit) (void)

Definition at line 2248 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterBreakpointHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterBreakpointHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current break point event callback, unsubscribing introcore from BP events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1123 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterCrWriteHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterCrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current control register write callback, unsubscribing introcore from CR events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1071 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterDescriptorTableHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterDescriptorTableHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current descriptor table access callback, unsubscribing introcore from DTR events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1017 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterEnginesResultCalback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterEnginesResultCalback) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current third party scan result callback.

This API is optional, but it should be implemented if PFUNC_IntRegisterEnginesResultCallback was implemented.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1179 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterEPTHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterEPTHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current EPT exit callback, unsubscribing introcore from EPT violation events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 879 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterEventInjectionHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterEventInjectionHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current event injection callback.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1149 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterIntroCallHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterIntroCallHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current VMCALL exit callback, unsubscribing introcore from VMCALL events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 965 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterMSRHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterMSRHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current MSR exit callback, unsubscribing introcore from MSR violation events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 939 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterVmxTimerHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterVmxTimerHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current timer callback, unsubscribing introcore from timer events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 991 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUnregisterXcrWriteHandler

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUnregisterXcrWriteHandler) (void *GuestHandle)

Unregisters the current extended control register write callback, unsubscribing introcore from XCR events.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1097 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntUpdateSupport

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntUpdateSupport) (void *GuestHandle, PBYTE Buffer, DWORD Length)

Loads a new CAMI version.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]BufferBuffer with the update contents. This buffer should remain valid until GLUE_IFACE.ReleaseBuffer is called.
[in]LengthThe size of the buffer, in bytes.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_HINTif the guest is already introspected.
INT_STATUS_POWER_STATE_BLOCKif the operation can not be completed because the guest is transitioning to another power state.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_DATA_SIZEif the CAMI buffer is not big enough. This usually points to a corruption in the buffer.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_DATA_TYPEif the CAMI buffer is corrupted.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDif the CAMI version is not supported.
After a successful call, the previously loaded CAMI settings are removed.

Definition at line 1487 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_IntXcrWriteCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_IntXcrWriteCallback) (void *GuestHandle, DWORD CpuNumber, INTRO_ACTION *Action)

Callback that must be invoked when the guest tries to modify an extended control register. The introspection engine registers a callback of this type with the GLUE_IFACE.RegisterXcrWriteHandler API.

[in]GuestHandleIntegrator-specific guest identifier.
[in]CpuNumberThe VCPU on which the access was attempted.
[out]ActionThe action that must be taken.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSin case of success.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTif the introspection engine was not initialized.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif introcore is not monitoring this control register.
INT_STATUS_UNINIT_BUGCHECKif introcore is unloading as a result of a guest crash.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEif the exit could not be handled due to an internal error.
INT_STATUS_FATAL_ERRORif an unrecoverable error was encountered.

Definition at line 568 of file glueiface.h.

◆ PFUNC_VirtualAddressSpaceCallback

typedef INTSTATUS(* PFUNC_VirtualAddressSpaceCallback) (QWORD Cr3, QWORD VirtualAddress, QWORD Entry, QWORD PageSize)

The type of callback invoked by PFUNC_IntIterateVaSpace while iterating the guest virtual address space.

[in]Cr3The guest CR3 that describes the address space over which to iterate.
[in]VirtualAddressThe guest virtual address of the current page.
[in]EntryThe page table entry that maps VirtualAddress.
[in]PageSizeThe size of the page that maps VirtualAddress.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 1814 of file glueiface.h.


typedef struct _GLUE_IFACE * PGLUE_IFACE


typedef struct _IG_ARCH_REGS * PIG_ARCH_REGS


typedef struct _IG_QUERY_MSR * PIG_QUERY_MSR


typedef struct _IG_SEG_REGS * PIG_SEG_REGS


typedef struct _IG_XSAVE_AREA * PIG_XSAVE_AREA

Enumeration Type Documentation


Descriptor table access flags.

IG_DESC_ACCESS_READ and IG_DESC_ACCESS_WRITE can be combined with any of the other values, describing both the descriptor table register that was accessed and the access type.


IDTR access.


GDTR access.


TR access.


LDTR access.


Read access.


Write access.

Definition at line 311 of file glueiface.h.


Ept violation types.


No access type. This can be used for swap hooks.


Read-access hook.


Write-access hook.


Execute-access hook.

Definition at line 295 of file glueiface.h.


The guest power state.


The guest is resuming from hibernate or sleep.


The guest is entering sleep.


The guest is shutting down.


The guest is shutting down by force.

Definition at line 377 of file glueiface.h.


Controls the verbosity of the logs.


Shows all logs.


Shows informational logs and logs with a higher level.


Shows warning logs and logs with a higher level.


Shows error logs and logs with a higher level.


Shows only critical logs.

Definition at line 389 of file glueiface.h.


Deployable agent tags.


Dummy agent used to demo the feature.


The remediation tool agent.


The Linux version of the remediation tool.


The log gathering agent.


The process killer agent.


The Virtualization exception driver.


The page table filtering agent.


A custom tool.

Definition at line 335 of file glueiface.h.



The current protection level.


Definition at line 195 of file glueiface.h.



The type of the code segment.


Invalid selector.


16-bit selector.


32-bit selector.


64-bit selector.

Definition at line 183 of file glueiface.h.



Memory type values.












Unknown memory type.

Definition at line 157 of file glueiface.h.


The type of the MSR access.


Read access.


Write access.


Read-write access.

Definition at line 171 of file glueiface.h.


Describes the type of query done by GLUE_IFACE.QueryGuestInfo.


Get the guest register state for a VCPU. Buffer points to a IG_ARCH_REGS structure.


Get the value of a MSR for a VCPU. Buffer points to a IG_QUERY_MSR structure.


Get the value of the IDT base for a VCPU.


Get the value of the IDT base for a VCPU.


Get the number of VCPUs available to the guest.


Set the guest register state for a certain VCPU. Buffer points to a IG_ARCH_REGS structure. Should not set IG_ARCH_REGS.IdtBase, IG_ARCH_REGS.IdtLimit, IG_ARCH_REGS.GdtBase or IG_ARCH_REGS.GdtLimit.


Get the TSC speed.


Get the current VCPU number.


Similar to IG_QUERY_INFO_CLASS_REGISTER_STATE, but will get only the general purpose registers, from RAX to R15.


Get the code segment type for a VCPU. Buffer points to a IG_CS_TYPE enum.


Get the current privilege level for a VCPU. Buffer points to a IG_CS_RING enum.


Get the segment registers for the current VCPU. Buffer points to a IG_SEG_REGS structure.


Get the size of the guest XSAVE area for a VCPU.


Get the guest XSAVE area for a VCPU.


Get the current EPTP index for the current VCPU.


Get the max guest physical frame number available to the guest. This should be the last valid PFN available to the guest.


Set the guest XSAVE area for a VCPU. This query is optional.


Get the guest XCR0 value for a VCPU.


Get the availability of the Virtualization Exception feature in hardware and the hypervisor.


Get the availability of the VMFUNC feature in hardware and the hypervisor.


Get the availability of the SPP feature in hardware and the hypervisor.


Get the availability of the IDTR/GDTR exits.

Definition at line 220 of file glueiface.h.