Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
_WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Struct Reference

This structure describes a running process inside the guest. More...

#include <winprocess.h>

Data Fields

 Entry within gWinProcesses (Doubly Linked List). More...
 Entry within gWinProcTreeCr3 (RB Tree). More...
RBNODE NodeUserCr3
 Entry within gWinProcTreeUserCr3 (RB Tree). More...
RBNODE NodeEproc
 Entry within gWinProcTreeEprocess (RB Tree). More...
QWORD EprocessAddress
 This will be the address of the ActiveProcess field. More...
QWORD ParentEprocess
 The EPROCESS of the parent process. More...
QWORD RealParentEprocess
 The active EPROCESS at the moment of creation. More...
QWORD CreationTime
 The creation time of the process, as stored inside the EPROCESS. More...
 Process PDBR. Includes PCID. More...
 Process user PDBR. Includes PCID. More...
 Process ID (the one used by Windows). More...
DWORD NameHash
 Name hash, as used by the exceptions module. More...
QWORD Peb64Address
 PEB 64 address (on x86 OSes, this will be 0). More...
QWORD Peb32Address
 PEB 32 address (on pure x64 processes, this will be 0). More...
QWORD MainModuleAddress
 The address of the main module. More...
 Process base name. More...
 Will point inside the loaded modules list to the full process path. More...
PCHAR CommandLine
 The command line with which the process was created (can be NULL). More...
DWORD CommandLineSize
 Includes the NULL terminator. More...
union {
   DWORD   Flags
 Windows process flags (possible values for this bitmask are described below). More...
   struct {
      DWORD   Wow64Process: 1
 TRUE if this is a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS. More...
      DWORD   Terminating: 1
 TRUE if the process is terminating (cleanup pending). More...
      DWORD   Protected: 1
 TRUE if this is a protected process. If this is FALSE, most of the above fields aren't used at all. More...
      DWORD   IsAgent: 1
 TRUE if this is an injected agent. More...
      DWORD   MainModuleLoaded: 1
 TRUE if the main module has been loaded. More...
      DWORD   UnpackProtected: 1
 TRUE if the main module has been protected against unpacks. More...
      DWORD   Initialized: 1
      DWORD   BetaDetections: 1
 TRUE if BETA is enabled for this particular process. More...
      DWORD   SystemProcess: 1
 TRUE if this is a system process. More...
      DWORD   Lsass: 1
 TRUE if this is the lsass process. More...
      DWORD   StaticDetected: 1
 TRUE if the process was detected using a static scan (during static init). More...
      DWORD   LastPebWriteDone: 1
 TRUE if the write into PEB is done (used for initialization checks). More...
      DWORD   InjectedApphelp: 1
 TRUE if AppHelp was injected. More...
      DWORD   ParentWow64: 1
 TRUE if the parent is a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS. More...
      DWORD   StartInitializing: 1
 TRUE if the process actually started initializing (there is a time windows from the moment we add the inside out lists to the point when it actually starts its initialization steps when the process is "invalid"). More...
      DWORD   OneTimeInjectionDone: 1
 The one time injection already took place (exception). More...
      DWORD   LateProtection: 1
 TRUE if the protection was not activated right from start. More...
      DWORD   Peb32ContextWritten: 1
 TURE if the Process Environment Block (x86) context was written (valid only on Windows 7). More...
      DWORD   Peb64ContextWritten: 1
 TURE if the Process Environment Block (x64) context was written (valid only on Windows 7). More...
      DWORD   MonitorVad: 1
 TRUE if we need to handle VAD events for this process. More...
      DWORD   MonitorModules: 1
 TRUE if we need to monitor module load/unloads. More...
      DWORD   IsPreviousAgent: 1
 TRUE if this is an agent injected in a previous session. More...
      DWORD   ExploitGuardEnabled: 1
 TRUE if any Exploit Guard mitigation option is set for this process. More...
BYTE InjectionsCount
 The number of injections allowed at the initialization. More...
BYTE PebWrittenCount
 The number writes to the (Process Environment Block). More...
QWORD InjectedApphelpAddress
 The address of the injected apphelp (during initialization). More...
DWORD InjectedAppHelpSize
 The size of the injected apphelp (during initialization). More...
DWORD LastException
 The code of the last exception that took place. More...
QWORD LastExceptionRip
 The RIP of the last exception that took place. More...
BOOLEAN LastExceptionContinuable
 TRUE if the last exception is continuable (for example a #PF that was caused due to the way the OS does the lazy memory mappings). More...
BOOLEAN HasNaClEnabled
 Only valid for chromium-based browsers; TRUE if this is a NaCl process. More...
BOOLEAN EnforcedDep
 TRUE is the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) has been enforced. More...
DWORD ExitStatus
 The exit status of the process (used when sending the process terminated event). More...
BOOLEAN IsDominoJava
 True if this is a Java IBM process and j9jit.dll is loaded. More...
BOOLEAN FirstDominoJavaIgnored
 TRUE if the first Domino Java execution VAD was ignored. More...
union {
   DWORD   ProtectionMask
 Protection mask: tells us what level of protection will be activated for this process. More...
   struct {
      DWORD   ProtReserved1: 2
 RESERVED. More...
      DWORD   ProtCoreModules: 1
 Protect the core module loaded by the process. More...
      DWORD   ProtUnpack: 1
 Protect process against unpacking attempts. More...
      DWORD   ProtWriteMem: 1
 Protect the the memory against writes. More...
      DWORD   ProtWsockModules: 1
 Protect the Windows Socket related modules. More...
      DWORD   ProtExploits: 1
      DWORD   ProtThreadCtx: 1
 Protect the thread context (protection against thread hijacking). More...
      DWORD   ProtQueueApc: 1
      DWORD   ProtCreation: 1
 Prevent this process from creating child processes (other than other instances of itself). More...
      DWORD   ProtDoubleAgent: 1
 Protect the process against double agent attacks. More...
      DWORD   ProtReserved2: 18
      DWORD   ProtRemediate: 1
 Any event inside the process will trigger the injection of the remediation tool. More...
      DWORD   ProtKillExploit: 1
      DWORD   ProtBeta: 1
 Process is monitored, but in log-only mode so no actions will be blocked. More...
QWORD BetaMask
 The protection mask in beta mode. More...
QWORD FeedbackMask
 The protection mask in feedback mode. More...
DWORD AgentTag
 If IsAgent is TRUE, this will be the agent tag. More...
void * Cr3PageLockObject
 The CR3 will be locked in memory, to prevent the OS from dynamically modifying the CR3 of a running process. More...
void * UserCr3PageLockObject
 The UserCR3 will be locked in memory, to prevent the OS from dynamically modifying the CR3 of a running process. More...
 RB-Tree of process VADs. More...
void * VasMonRoot
 Virtual Address Space monitor root. More...
 Vad pages Hash-Table. More...
QWORD OriginalTokenPtr
 Original Token pointer inside EPROCESS (should never change). More...
void * ParamsSwapHandle
 The swap memory handle for Process->Peb->ProcessParameters (used to read the command line of the process). More...
void * CmdLineSwapHandle
 The swap memory handle for the UNICODE_STRING containing the command line of the a process. More...
void * CmdBufSwapHandle
 The swap memory handle for the command line buffer. More...
void * SelfMapHook
 The self mapping memory hook. More...
void * UserSelfMapHook
 The user self mapping memory hook. More...
QWORD SelfMapEntryValue
 The self mapping memory entry value. More...
QWORD UserSelfMapEntryValue
 The user self mapping memory entry value. More...
QWORD Context
 Context from integrator if the process is protected, 0 otherwise. More...
BOOLEAN ImageIsFromNativeSubsystem
 TRUE if the process image is from the native subsystem. More...
BOOLEAN IsVerifierLoaded
 TRUE if app verifier is loaded. More...
WORD OriginalSpareValue
 We put in guest * and some flags in order to decide whether to raise a VM exit on a process. Here we keep the overwritten original value of the spare field. More...
void * MainModuleVad
 Used for keeping the main module VAD (used for dereferencing paths) as the unprotected processes don't have a VAD RB-Tree. More...
struct {
   BOOLEAN   ParentHasPivotedStack
 The parent process has a pivoted stack. More...
   QWORD   DebuggerEprocess
 This will keep the EPROCESS of the debugger process (if any). More...
   QWORD   TokenStolenFromEprocess
 This will keep the EPROCESS of the process from which the current process stole the token. More...
   BOOLEAN   ParentHasBeenHeapSprayed
 The parent process has been heap sprayed. More...
   BOOLEAN   ParentHasTokenPrivsAltered
 The parent process has the token privileges altered in a malicious way, most probably due to a privilege escalation. More...
   BOOLEAN   ParentThreadSuspicious
 The parent thread start address was considered suspicious. More...
 Represents the gathered extra info while checking the DPI heuristics. More...
 The x86 subsystem. Note that a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS may have both subsystems valid. In that case, we need to handle & protect both of them. More...
 The x64 subsystem. Note that a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS may have both subsystems valid. In that case, we need to handle & protect both of them. More...
void * TokenHook
 Hook object for the ept hook over nt!_TOKEN Privileges field. More...
QWORD OriginalPresentPrivs
 Saved value of the Privileges Present bitfield inside the nt!_TOKEN structure assigned to the current process. More...
QWORD OriginalEnabledPrivs
 Saved value of the Privileges Enabled bitfield inside the nt!_TOKEN structure assigned to the current process. More...
BOOLEAN SkipPrivsNextCheck
 Signals whether the next privileges check on integrity should be skipped for the current process. Is set if, for example, we could not fetch the privileges when the process was created. More...
BOOLEAN PrivsChangeDetected
 Set to TRUE when a token privilege change has been detected. This is useful for DPI, in the case where a write has been detected over the privileges, but because of the detect only mechanism, we have overwritten the OriginalPresentPrivs and OriginalEnabledPrivs values, thus DPI will not raise an alert on process creation due to the fact that the mechanism doesn't see any change. For this purpose, we'll analyze every process creation in DPI from the moment the privileges have changed and a detection took place on integrity. More...

Detailed Description

This structure describes a running process inside the guest.

Definition at line 81 of file winprocess.h.

Field Documentation

◆ @224

union { ... }

◆ @226

union { ... }

◆ AgentTag


If IsAgent is TRUE, this will be the agent tag.

Definition at line 227 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject().

◆ BetaDetections


TRUE if BETA is enabled for this particular process.

Definition at line 133 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ BetaMask


The protection mask in beta mode.

Definition at line 224 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ CmdBufSwapHandle

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::CmdBufSwapHandle

The swap memory handle for the command line buffer.

Definition at line 251 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory(), and IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory().

◆ CmdLineSwapHandle

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::CmdLineSwapHandle

The swap memory handle for the UNICODE_STRING containing the command line of the a process.

Definition at line 249 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory(), and IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleUserParamsInMemory().

◆ CommandLine


The command line with which the process was created (can be NULL).

Definition at line 112 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntExceptVerifyValueSig(), and IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory().

◆ CommandLineSize


Includes the NULL terminator.

Definition at line 114 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory().

◆ Context


Context from integrator if the process is protected, 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 260 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcExistsProtectedProcess(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ Cr3

◆ Cr3PageLockObject

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::Cr3PageLockObject

The CR3 will be locked in memory, to prevent the OS from dynamically modifying the CR3 of a running process.

Definition at line 231 of file winprocess.h.

◆ CreationInfo

◆ CreationTime


The creation time of the process, as stored inside the EPROCESS.

Definition at line 93 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), and IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ DebuggerEprocess


This will keep the EPROCESS of the debugger process (if any).

Definition at line 278 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntExceptUserLogWindowsInformation(), IntSerializeDpiWinDebug(), and IntWinDpiGetProcessDebugFlag().

◆ DpiExtraInfo


◆ EnforcedDep


TRUE is the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) has been enforced.

Definition at line 185 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinCrashHandleDepViolation().

◆ EprocessAddress

◆ ExitStatus


The exit status of the process (used when sending the process terminated event).

Definition at line 188 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), and IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject().

◆ ExploitGuardEnabled


TRUE if any Exploit Guard mitigation option is set for this process.

Definition at line 165 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ FeedbackMask


The protection mask in feedback mode.

Definition at line 225 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ FirstDominoJavaIgnored


TRUE if the first Domino Java execution VAD was ignored.

Definition at line 191 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModCheckSpecialCases(), and IntWinVadHandlePageExecution().

◆ Flags


Windows process flags (possible values for this bitmask are described below).

Definition at line 119 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo().

◆ HasNaClEnabled


Only valid for chromium-based browsers; TRUE if this is a NaCl process.

Definition at line 183 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory().

◆ ImageIsFromNativeSubsystem


TRUE if the process image is from the native subsystem.

Definition at line 262 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinDagentCheckNativeSubsystem(), and IntWinDagentHandleSuspModExecution().

◆ Initialized


◆ InjectedApphelp


TRUE if AppHelp was injected.

Definition at line 142 of file winprocess.h.

◆ InjectedApphelpAddress

QWORD _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::InjectedApphelpAddress

The address of the injected apphelp (during initialization).

Definition at line 172 of file winprocess.h.

◆ InjectedAppHelpSize


The size of the injected apphelp (during initialization).

Definition at line 173 of file winprocess.h.

◆ InjectionsCount


The number of injections allowed at the initialization.

Definition at line 169 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinUmCheckInitializationInjection().

◆ IsAgent


◆ IsDominoJava


True if this is a Java IBM process and j9jit.dll is loaded.

Definition at line 190 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModCheckSpecialCases().

◆ IsPreviousAgent


TRUE if this is an agent injected in a previous session.

Definition at line 162 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinAgentHandleAppVmcall(), and IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IsVerifierLoaded


TRUE if app verifier is loaded.

Definition at line 263 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinDagentHandleSuspModExecution().

◆ LastException


The code of the last exception that took place.

Definition at line 175 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinSetUmExceptionEvent().

◆ LastExceptionContinuable

BOOLEAN _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::LastExceptionContinuable

TRUE if the last exception is continuable (for example a #PF that was caused due to the way the OS does the lazy memory mappings).

Definition at line 180 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinSetUmExceptionEvent().

◆ LastExceptionRip


The RIP of the last exception that took place.

Definition at line 176 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinSetUmExceptionEvent().

◆ LastPebWriteDone


TRUE if the write into PEB is done (used for initialization checks).

Definition at line 141 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinUmCheckInitializationInjection().

◆ LateProtection


TRUE if the protection was not activated right from start.

Definition at line 152 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ Link


Entry within gWinProcesses (Doubly Linked List).

Definition at line 83 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUninit().

◆ Lsass


TRUE if this is the lsass process.

Definition at line 135 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcHandleCopyMemory().

◆ MainModuleAddress


The address of the main module.

Definition at line 104 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory(), and IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ MainModuleLoaded


TRUE if the main module has been loaded.

Definition at line 130 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory().

◆ MainModuleVad

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::MainModuleVad

Used for keeping the main module VAD (used for dereferencing paths) as the unprotected processes don't have a VAD RB-Tree.

Definition at line 271 of file winprocess.h.

◆ MonitorModules


TRUE if we need to monitor module load/unloads.

Definition at line 161 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntExceptGetVictimProcess().

◆ MonitorVad

◆ Name

◆ NameHash


◆ NodeCr3


◆ NodeEproc


◆ NodeUserCr3


◆ OneTimeInjectionDone


The one time injection already took place (exception).

Definition at line 151 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ OriginalEnabledPrivs


Saved value of the Privileges Enabled bitfield inside the nt!_TOKEN structure assigned to the current process.

Definition at line 310 of file winprocess.h.

◆ OriginalPresentPrivs


Saved value of the Privileges Present bitfield inside the nt!_TOKEN structure assigned to the current process.

Definition at line 306 of file winprocess.h.

◆ OriginalSpareValue


We put in guest * and some flags in order to decide whether to raise a VM exit on a process. Here we keep the overwritten original value of the spare field.

Definition at line 267 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ OriginalTokenPtr


Original Token pointer inside EPROCESS (should never change).

Definition at line 241 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcDump(), IntWinTokenPrivsHandleWrite(), and IntWinTokenPtrIsStolen().

◆ ParamsSwapHandle

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::ParamsSwapHandle

The swap memory handle for Process->Peb->ProcessParameters (used to read the command line of the process).

Definition at line 245 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleUserParamsInMemory().

◆ ParentEprocess


The EPROCESS of the parent process.

Definition at line 89 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDump().

◆ ParentHasBeenHeapSprayed


The parent process has been heap sprayed.

Definition at line 283 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ParentHasPivotedStack


The parent process has a pivoted stack.

Definition at line 275 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ParentHasTokenPrivsAltered


The parent process has the token privileges altered in a malicious way, most probably due to a privilege escalation.

Definition at line 287 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ParentThreadSuspicious


The parent thread start address was considered suspicious.

Definition at line 289 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ParentWow64


TRUE if the parent is a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS.

Definition at line 144 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ Path


Will point inside the loaded modules list to the full process path.

Definition at line 109 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ Peb32Address


PEB 32 address (on pure x64 processes, this will be 0).

Definition at line 102 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinUmCheckInitializationInjection().

◆ Peb32ContextWritten


TURE if the Process Environment Block (x86) context was written (valid only on Windows 7).

Definition at line 155 of file winprocess.h.

◆ Peb64Address


PEB 64 address (on x86 OSes, this will be 0).

Definition at line 101 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinUmCheckInitializationInjection().

◆ Peb64ContextWritten


TURE if the Process Environment Block (x64) context was written (valid only on Windows 7).

Definition at line 158 of file winprocess.h.

◆ PebWrittenCount


The number writes to the (Process Environment Block).

Definition at line 170 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinUmCheckInitializationInjection().

◆ Pid

◆ PrivsChangeDetected


Set to TRUE when a token privilege change has been detected. This is useful for DPI, in the case where a write has been detected over the privileges, but because of the detect only mechanism, we have overwritten the OriginalPresentPrivs and OriginalEnabledPrivs values, thus DPI will not raise an alert on process creation due to the fact that the mechanism doesn't see any change. For this purpose, we'll analyze every process creation in DPI from the moment the privileges have changed and a detection took place on integrity.

Definition at line 322 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ProtBeta


Process is monitored, but in log-only mode so no actions will be blocked.

Definition at line 220 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ProtCoreModules


Protect the core module loaded by the process.

Definition at line 201 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory().

◆ ProtCreation


Prevent this process from creating child processes (other than other instances of itself).

Definition at line 211 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ProtDoubleAgent


Protect the process against double agent attacks.

Definition at line 213 of file winprocess.h.

◆ Protected

◆ ProtectionMask


Protection mask: tells us what level of protection will be activated for this process.

Definition at line 196 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory(), IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcDump(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ ProtExploits


Protect the process against exploits.

Definition at line 205 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinCrashHandleDepViolation(), IntWinVadHandlePageExecution(), IntWinVadHandleProtectGeneric(), and IntWinVadHandleVirtualProtect().

◆ ProtKillExploit


The process will be killed if an exploit is detected.

Definition at line 218 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinVadHandlePageExecution().

◆ ProtQueueApc


Protect APC Queue of the process (APC hijacking).

Definition at line 209 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinThrHandleQueueApc().

◆ ProtRemediate


Any event inside the process will trigger the injection of the remediation tool.

Definition at line 216 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ProtReserved1



Definition at line 200 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ProtReserved2



Definition at line 214 of file winprocess.h.

◆ ProtThreadCtx


Protect the thread context (protection against thread hijacking).

Definition at line 207 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinThrHandleThreadHijack().

◆ ProtUnpack


Protect process against unpacking attempts.

Definition at line 202 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory().

◆ ProtWriteMem


Protect the the memory against writes.

Definition at line 203 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcHandleCopyMemory().

◆ ProtWsockModules


Protect the Windows Socket related modules.

Definition at line 204 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory().

◆ RealParentEprocess


The active EPROCESS at the moment of creation.

Definition at line 90 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntLogProcessInfo(), IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDump().

◆ SelfMapEntryValue


The self mapping memory entry value.

Definition at line 256 of file winprocess.h.

◆ SelfMapHook

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::SelfMapHook

The self mapping memory hook.

Definition at line 253 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinSelfMapEnableSelfMapEntryProtection(), and IntWinSelfMapHandleCr3SelfMapWrite().

◆ SkipPrivsNextCheck


Signals whether the next privileges check on integrity should be skipped for the current process. Is set if, for example, we could not fetch the privileges when the process was created.

Definition at line 314 of file winprocess.h.

◆ StartInitializing


TRUE if the process actually started initializing (there is a time windows from the moment we add the inside out lists to the point when it actually starts its initialization steps when the process is "invalid").

Definition at line 149 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcHandleCopyMemory(), and IntWinUmCheckInitializationInjection().

◆ StaticDetected


TRUE if the process was detected using a static scan (during static init).

Definition at line 138 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ Subsystemx64


The x64 subsystem. Note that a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS may have both subsystems valid. In that case, we need to handle & protect both of them.

Definition at line 300 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDump().

◆ Subsystemx86


The x86 subsystem. Note that a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS may have both subsystems valid. In that case, we need to handle & protect both of them.

Definition at line 296 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDump().

◆ SystemProcess

◆ Terminating


TRUE if the process is terminating (cleanup pending).

Definition at line 124 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUninit().

◆ TokenHook

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::TokenHook

Hook object for the ept hook over nt!_TOKEN Privileges field.

Definition at line 302 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinTokenUnprotectPrivs().

◆ TokenStolenFromEprocess

QWORD _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::TokenStolenFromEprocess

This will keep the EPROCESS of the process from which the current process stole the token.

Definition at line 281 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinDpiValidateParentProcessToken().

◆ UnpackProtected


TRUE if the main module has been protected against unpacks.

Definition at line 131 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleMainModuleInMemory().

◆ UserCr3

◆ UserCr3PageLockObject

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::UserCr3PageLockObject

The UserCR3 will be locked in memory, to prevent the OS from dynamically modifying the CR3 of a running process.

Definition at line 235 of file winprocess.h.

◆ UserSelfMapEntryValue


The user self mapping memory entry value.

Definition at line 257 of file winprocess.h.

◆ UserSelfMapHook

void* _WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::UserSelfMapHook

The user self mapping memory hook.

Definition at line 254 of file winprocess.h.

Referenced by IntWinSelfMapEnableSelfMapEntryProtection(), and IntWinSelfMapHandleCr3SelfMapWrite().

◆ VadPages


Vad pages Hash-Table.

Definition at line 239 of file winprocess.h.

◆ VadTree


RB-Tree of process VADs.

Definition at line 237 of file winprocess.h.

◆ VasMonRoot


Virtual Address Space monitor root.

Definition at line 238 of file winprocess.h.

◆ Wow64Process

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: