Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
guests Directory Reference


directory  agents
directory  cache
directory  exceptions
directory  hooks
directory  instrument
directory  linux
directory  update
directory  windows


file  alerts.c [code]
file  callbacks.c [code]
file  cr_protection.c [code]
file  detours.c [code]
 The guest detour API implementation.
file  drivers.c [code]
file  dtr_protection.c [code]
file  guests.c [code]
file  integrity.c [code]
 This file contains the integrity checking mechanism, consisting in checking certain guest regions every second to see if there were any modifications.
file  introapi.c [code]
 Contains implementations for the GLUE_IFACE APIs exposed by Introcore.
file  intronet.c [code]
file  memcloak.c [code]
file  msr_protection.c [code]
file  scan_engines.c [code]
 This file handles possibly malicious code executions (sending notifications to the scan engines).
file  shellcode.c [code]
file  slack.c [code]
 Handles in-guest memory allocations.
file  swapmem.c [code]
 This module is responsibility for reading guest memory that may be swapped out.
file  thread_safeness.c [code]
file  udlist.c [code]
 Maintains a list of pending UD injections for each (Cr3, Rip, Thread) tuple.
file  unpacker.c [code]
 This module monitors pages against unpack.
file  vasmonitor.c [code]
 Contains the virtual address space monitor logic.
file  visibility.c [code]