Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
public Directory Reference


file  env.h [code]
file  glueiface.h [code]
 Defines an interface used by the introspection engine to communicate with an integrator.
file  hvmi.h [code]
file  intro_sal.h [code]
 Dummy SAL definitions for build environments were SAL is not available.
file  intro_types.h [code]
 Exposes the types and constants used by various Introcore APIs defined in glueiface.h.
file  introstatus.h [code]
 Status values returned by most functions that can signal different success or failure states.
file  upperiface.h [code]
 Defines an interface that exposes various services to the introspection engine.
file  vecommon.h [code]
 This file is common between the VE driver and the introspection engine.