Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
winpe.c File Reference
#include "winpe.h"
#include "decoder.h"
#include "introcpu.h"
#include "guests.h"

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Data Structures

 Structure describing relevant fields extracted from the optional header. More...


#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_EXPORT_NAMES   65535ul
 We won't consider a valid image if it has more than MAX_NUMBER_OF_EXPORT_NAMES names. More...
 The maximum number of iterations done while parsing unwind data. More...
#define MAX_UNWIND_CODES   50
 Maximum number of unwind codes to check. More...


 Structure describing relevant fields extracted from the optional header. More...


static INTSTATUS IntPeValidateOptionalHeader (void *OptionalHeader, DWORD SizeOfOptionalHeader, OPTIONAL_HEADER_INFO *Info)
 Validates and extracts info about the optional header. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeValidateHeader (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD ImageBaseBufferSize, INTRO_PE_INFO *PeInfo, QWORD Cr3)
 Validates a PE header. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeListSectionsHeaders (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBuffer, DWORD ImageBufferSize, DWORD *FirstSectionOffset, DWORD *SectionCount)
 Will get the offset to the first section header and the number of sections from the given module. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetDirectory (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD DirectoryEntry, IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *Directory)
 Validate & return the indicated image data directory. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetSectionHeaderByRva (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD GuestRva, IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *SectionHeader)
 Given a relative virtual address, return the section header which describes the section the RVA lies in. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetSectionHeaderByIndex (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD Index, IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *SectionHeader)
 Return the section header located on position Index (0 based). More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetSectionHeadersByName (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, PCHAR Name, DWORD NumberOfSectionHeadersAllocated, QWORD Cr3, IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *SectionHeaders, DWORD *NumberOfSectionHeadersFilled)
 Return all the section headers matching the indicated Name. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByRva (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD Rva)
 Check if a RVA lies inside an exported function. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, DWORD Rva)
 Check if the indicated Rva belongs to an exported function. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetExportNameByRva (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD Rva, DWORD ExportNameSize, CHAR *ExportName)
 Find the export name a Rva lies in. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetExportNameByRvaInBuffer (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, DWORD Rva, DWORD ExportNameSize, CHAR *ExportName)
 Find the export name a Rva lies in. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByNameInBuffer (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, const char *Name, DWORD *ExportRva)
 Find the export name a Rva lies in. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindKernelExport (const char *Name, QWORD *ExportGva)
 Find an export inside the NT kernel image. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByName (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, CHAR *Name, DWORD *ExportRva)
 Find the export name a Rva lies in. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByOrdinal (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD Ordinal, DWORD *ExportRva)
 Find an exported function using its ordinal. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetRuntimeFunction (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD Rva, RUNTIME_FUNCTION *RuntimeFunction)
 Parses the exception directory and gets the runtime function corresponding to the Rva. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeGetRuntimeFunctionInBuffer (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, DWORD Rva, RUNTIME_FUNCTION *RuntimeFunction)
 Parses the exception directory and gets the runtime function corresponding to the Rva. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeParseUnwindData (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, RUNTIME_FUNCTION *RuntimeFunction, DWORD RipOffset, DWORD *ReservedStack, DWORD *BeginAddress, BOOLEAN *InterruptFunction, BOOLEAN *ExceptionFunction, BOOLEAN *HasFramePointer)
 Parse the unwind data for the indicated function and return the prologue size. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeParseUnwindDataInBuffer (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, RUNTIME_FUNCTION *RuntimeFunction, DWORD RipOffset, DWORD *ReservedStack, DWORD *BeginAddress, BOOLEAN *InterruptFunction, BOOLEAN *ExceptionFunction, BOOLEAN *HasFramePointer)
 Parse the unwind data for the indicated function and return the prologue size. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionByPatternInBuffer (BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, WIN_UNEXPORTED_FUNCTION_PATTERN *Pattern, BOOLEAN IgnoreSectionHint, DWORD *Rva)
 Find a function using a pattern. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionByPattern (QWORD ImageBase, WIN_UNEXPORTED_FUNCTION_PATTERN *Pattern, BOOLEAN IgnoreSectionHint, DWORD *Rva)
 Find a function using a pattern. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionStart (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *ImageBaseBuffer, DWORD Rva, DWORD *BeginAddress)
 Find the start address of a function, given a Rva pointing inside of it. More...
INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer (QWORD ImageBase, BYTE *Buffer, DWORD BufferSize, DWORD Rva, DWORD *BeginAddress)
 Find the start address of a function, given a Rva pointing inside of it. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_EXPORT_NAMES   65535ul

We won't consider a valid image if it has more than MAX_NUMBER_OF_EXPORT_NAMES names.

Definition at line 12 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeFindExportByRva(), IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer(), IntPeGetExportNameByRva(), and IntPeGetExportNameByRvaInBuffer().



The maximum value for the SizeOfImage field from a MZPE header.


Definition at line 20 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeValidateHeader().


#define MAX_UNWIND_CODES   50

Maximum number of unwind codes to check.

Definition at line 23 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeParseUnwindData(), and IntPeParseUnwindDataInBuffer().



The maximum number of iterations done while parsing unwind data.

Definition at line 15 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeParseUnwindData(), and IntPeParseUnwindDataInBuffer().

Typedef Documentation


Structure describing relevant fields extracted from the optional header.


Function Documentation

◆ IntPeFindExportByName()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByName ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
CHAR Name,
DWORD ExportRva 

Find the export name a Rva lies in.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]NameExport name to be found.
[out]ExportRvaRva the indicated export is found at.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no export containing the Rva is found.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 1783 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntLdrFixImports(), IntVeDeliverDriverForLoad(), and IntWinApiHook().

◆ IntPeFindExportByNameInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByNameInBuffer ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,
const char *  Name,
DWORD ExportRva 

Find the export name a Rva lies in.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]BufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]BufferSizeSize of the Buffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]NameExport name to be found.
[out]ExportRvaRva the indicated export is found at.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no export containing the Rva is found.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 1586 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeFindKernelExport(), and IntWinHalFindPerformanceCounterInternal().

◆ IntPeFindExportByOrdinal()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByOrdinal ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  Ordinal,
DWORD ExportRva 

Find an exported function using its ordinal.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]OrdinalOrdinal used to find the export.
[out]ExportRvaRva the indicated export is found at.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no export containing the Rva is found.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 1961 of file winpe.c.

◆ IntPeFindExportByRva()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByRva ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,

Check if a RVA lies inside an exported function.

Will return success if the given RVA is inside an exported function. Does not return the name since that would be slow. For getting the name use the IntPeGetExportNameByRva.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]RvaThe Rva to be checked.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSIf the indicated Rva lies within an export.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif the RVA isn't inside an exported function
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEif the ImageBase isn't a valid PE/PE+ object

Definition at line 1103 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntExceptWinKernelGetOriginator().

◆ IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,

Check if the indicated Rva belongs to an exported function.

Will return success if the given RVA is inside an exported function. Does not return the name since that would be slow. For getting the name use the IntPeGetExportNameByRva.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]BufferBuffer containing the module.
[in]BufferSizeThe size of the buffer containing the module.
[in]RvaThe Rva to be found.
Return values
INT_STATUS_SUCCESSIf an export is found to contain the given Rva.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDif the RVA isn't inside an exported function
STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEif the ImageBase isn't a valid PE/PE+ object

Definition at line 1223 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntExceptWinKernelGetOriginator().

◆ IntPeFindFunctionByPattern()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionByPattern ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BOOLEAN  IgnoreSectionHint,

Find a function using a pattern.

Searches the indicated guest module for a function matching the provided pattern. This function uses IntPeValidateHeader to validate the MZPE headers before using them.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers) to be validated.
[in]PatternThe searched pattern.
[in]IgnoreSectionHintIf true, the pattern section hint will be ignored.
[out]RvaThe Rva the indicated pattern is found at.
Return values
INT_STATUS_DATA_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLIf a section exceeds the size of the provided buffer.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf not function matching that pattern is found.

Definition at line 3150 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntWinAgentFindPropperSyscall(), IntWinAgentFindSyscallLinkage(), and IntWinApiFindFunctionRva().

◆ IntPeFindFunctionByPatternInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionByPatternInBuffer ( BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,
BOOLEAN  IgnoreSectionHint,

Find a function using a pattern.

Searches the indicated buffer for a function matching the provided pattern.

[in]BufferThe buffer to search.
[in]BufferSizeThe size of the Buffer to be searched.
[in]PatternThe searched pattern.
[in]IgnoreSectionHintIf true, the pattern section hint will be ignored.
[out]RvaThe Rva the indicated pattern is found at.
Return values
INT_STATUS_DATA_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLIf a section exceeds the size of the provided buffer.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf not function matching that pattern is found.

Definition at line 3044 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntWinAgentFindSyscallLinkage(), IntWinApiFindFunctionRva(), and IntWinInfHookGetEtwpDebuggerData().

◆ IntPeFindFunctionStart()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionStart ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD BeginAddress 

Find the start address of a function, given a Rva pointing inside of it.

Given a Rva, parse code backwards until we find what looks like the start of the function. This function uses either the exception directory for 64 bit executables or the standard prologue for 32 bit executables to locate the beginning of the function.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers) to be validated.
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]RvaThe Rva we will search the function start for.
[out]BeginAddressThe Rva of the identified function start.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the Rva lies in a non-executable section.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the function start could not be identified.

Definition at line 3297 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntAlertEptFillFromVictimZone(), IntPeFindExportByRva(), and IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer().

◆ IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,
DWORD BeginAddress 

Find the start address of a function, given a Rva pointing inside of it.

Given a Rva, parse code backwards until we find what looks like the start of the function. This function uses either the exception directory for 64 bit executables or the standard prologue for 32 bit executables to locate the beginning of the function. For 64-bit MZPEs IntPeParseUnwindDataInBuffer should be used instead.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers) to be validated.
[in]BufferThe buffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]BufferSizeThe size of the Buffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]RvaThe Rva we will search the function start for.
[out]BeginAddressThe Rva of the identified function start.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the Rva lies in a non-executable section.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the function start could not be identified.

Definition at line 3624 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntAlertEptFillFromVictimZone().

◆ IntPeFindKernelExport()

INTSTATUS IntPeFindKernelExport ( const char *  Name,
QWORD ExportGva 

Find an export inside the NT kernel image.

[in]NameExport to be found.
[out]ExportGvaGuest virtual address (NOT RVA!) of the identified export.
Return values

Definition at line 1748 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntWinApiHook(), IntWinGuestIsIncreasedUserVa(), IntWinGuestResolveImports(), IntWinHalCreateHalData(), IntWinProcPrepareInstrument(), and IntWinThrPrepareApcHandler().

◆ IntPeGetDirectory()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetDirectory ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  DirectoryEntry,

Validate & return the indicated image data directory.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]DirectoryEntryData directory entry to be fetched.
[out]DirectoryWill contain, upon successful return, the requested data directory.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE is malformed or corrupted in any way.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the indicated data directory is not present.

Definition at line 552 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntExceptWinGetVictimDriver(), IntLdrLoadPEImage(), IntPeFindExportByName(), IntPeFindExportByNameInBuffer(), IntPeFindExportByOrdinal(), IntPeFindExportByRva(), IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer(), IntPeGetExportNameByRva(), IntPeGetExportNameByRvaInBuffer(), IntPeGetRuntimeFunction(), IntPeGetRuntimeFunctionInBuffer(), IntWinDrvHeadersInMemory(), IntWinProtectReadNtEat(), and IntWinUmModCacheFillHeaders().

◆ IntPeGetExportNameByRva()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetExportNameByRva ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  ExportNameSize,
CHAR ExportName 

Find the export name a Rva lies in.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]RvaThe Rva for which we wish to find the export name.
[in]ExportNameSizeMaximum length of the ExportName buffer, which will contain the export name, including the NULL-terminator.
[out]ExportNameWill contain upon successful return the name of the export Rva belongs to.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no export containing the Rva is found.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 1312 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntAlertEptFillFromVictimZone().

◆ IntPeGetExportNameByRvaInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetExportNameByRvaInBuffer ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,
DWORD  ExportNameSize,
CHAR ExportName 

Find the export name a Rva lies in.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]BufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]BufferSizeSize of the Buffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]RvaThe Rva for which we wish to find the export name.
[in]ExportNameSizeMaximum length of the ExportName buffer, which will contain the export name.
[out]ExportNameWill contain upon successful return the name of the export Rva belongs to.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no export containing the Rva is found.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 1457 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntAlertEptFillFromVictimZone().

◆ IntPeGetRuntimeFunction()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetRuntimeFunction ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,

Parses the exception directory and gets the runtime function corresponding to the Rva.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]RvaThe Rva whose runtime function is to be found.
[out]RuntimeFunctionThe identified runtime function for the indicated Rva.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the indicated MZ/PE file is not 64 bit.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no function is found at that RVA

Definition at line 2062 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeFindFunctionStart(), and IntWinStackTraceGet64().

◆ IntPeGetRuntimeFunctionInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetRuntimeFunctionInBuffer ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,

Parses the exception directory and gets the runtime function corresponding to the Rva.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]BufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]BufferSizeThe size of the Buffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]RvaThe Rva whose runtime function is to be found.
[out]RuntimeFunctionThe identified runtime function for the indicated Rva.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the indicated MZ/PE file is not 64 bit.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no function is found at that RVA

Definition at line 2267 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer(), and IntWinStackTraceGet64().

◆ IntPeGetSectionHeaderByIndex()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetSectionHeaderByIndex ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  Index,

Return the section header located on position Index (0 based).

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]IndexIndex of the section header to be returned (0 based).
[out]SectionHeaderWill contain, upon successful return, the section header located at Index.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE is malformed or corrupted in any way.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the section Index is not found.

Definition at line 838 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPtiMonitorAllPtWriteCandidates().

◆ IntPeGetSectionHeaderByRva()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetSectionHeaderByRva ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  GuestRva,

Given a relative virtual address, return the section header which describes the section the RVA lies in.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]GuestRvaThe RVA to be found.
[out]SectionHeaderWill contain, upon successful return, the section header describing the section that contains the indicated RVA.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE is malformed or corrupted in any way.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf a section containing the RVA is not found.

Definition at line 707 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntExceptGetVictimEpt(), IntExceptWinGetVictimDriver(), IntExceptWinKernelGetOriginator(), IntPeFindFunctionStart(), IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer(), IntPtiIsPtrInAgent(), IntWinDagentSendDoubleAgentAlert(), IntWinGuestValidateKernel(), IntWinModFillDriverInjectionData(), IntWinStackTraceGet64(), IntWinStackTraceGetUser32(), and IntWinStackTraceGetUser64().

◆ IntPeGetSectionHeadersByName()

INTSTATUS IntPeGetSectionHeadersByName ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
PCHAR  Name,
DWORD  NumberOfSectionHeadersAllocated,
DWORD NumberOfSectionHeadersFilled 

Return all the section headers matching the indicated Name.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]NameThe name of the searched sections.
[in]NumberOfSectionHeadersAllocatedNumber of section headers allocated for the results.
[in]Cr3The Cr3 used for mapping the headers in case ImageBaseBuffer is not provided.
[out]SectionHeadersBuffer containing NumberOfSectionHeadersAllocated slots.
[out]NumberOfSectionHeadersFilledNumber of slots filled in the SectionHeaders = number of sections found to have the indicated Name.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE is malformed or corrupted in any way.
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf no section with the given name is found.

Definition at line 942 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntWinGuestFindDriversNamespace(), IntWinGuestFindDriversNamespaceNoBuffer(), IntWinGuestFindKernelObjectsInternal(), IntWinGuestValidateKernel(), IntWinHalFindHalHeapAndInterruptController(), and IntWinHalFindInterruptController().

◆ IntPeListSectionsHeaders()

INTSTATUS IntPeListSectionsHeaders ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBuffer,
DWORD  ImageBufferSize,
DWORD FirstSectionOffset,
DWORD SectionCount 

Will get the offset to the first section header and the number of sections from the given module.

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]ImageBufferSizeIf ImageBaseBuffer is valid, this indicates its size.
[out]FirstSectionOffsetOffset to the first section header.
[out]SectionCountNumber of sections.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the MZ/PE is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 473 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPtiHookPtDriver(), IntVeEnableDisableDriverAccessInProtectedView(), IntVeHookVeDriver(), IntWinDagentHandleSuspModHeaders(), and IntWinModHookModule().

◆ IntPeParseUnwindData()

INTSTATUS IntPeParseUnwindData ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  RipOffset,
DWORD ReservedStack,
DWORD BeginAddress,
BOOLEAN InterruptFunction,
BOOLEAN ExceptionFunction,
BOOLEAN HasFramePointer 

Parse the unwind data for the indicated function and return the prologue size.

Parses the UNWIND_INFO structure(s) of the RuntimeFunction and returns the total space occupied by the function prologue (it can be 0!).

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]ImageBaseBufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]RuntimeFunctionThe runtime function to be parsed.
[in]RipOffsetThe offset inside the function where the RIP is.
[out]ReservedStackSize reserved on the stack for that function.
[out]BeginAddressThe actual beginning of the function (after parsing chained info).
[out]InterruptFunctionTrue if it's an interrupt handler function.
[out]ExceptionFunctionTrue if it's an exception handler function.
[out]HasFramePointerTrue if the function uses a frame pointer.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.

Definition at line 2395 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeFindFunctionStart(), and IntWinStackTraceGet64().

◆ IntPeParseUnwindDataInBuffer()

INTSTATUS IntPeParseUnwindDataInBuffer ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE Buffer,
DWORD  BufferSize,
DWORD  RipOffset,
DWORD ReservedStack,
DWORD BeginAddress,
BOOLEAN InterruptFunction,
BOOLEAN ExceptionFunction,
BOOLEAN HasFramePointer 

Parse the unwind data for the indicated function and return the prologue size.

Parses the UNWIND_INFO structure(s) of the RuntimeFunction and returns the total space occupied by the function prologue (it can be 0!).

[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers).
[in]BufferBuffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]BufferSizeThe size of the Buffer containing the MZ/PE image.
[in]RuntimeFunctionThe runtime function to be parsed.
[in]RipOffsetThe offset inside the function where the RIP is.
[out]ReservedStackSize reserved on the stack for that function.
[out]BeginAddressThe actual beginning of the function (after parsing chained info).
[out]InterruptFunctionTrue if it's an interrupt handler function.
[out]ExceptionFunctionTrue if it's an exception handler function.
[out]HasFramePointerTrue if the function uses a frame pointer.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERIf an invalid parameter is supplied.

Definition at line 2726 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer(), and IntWinStackTraceGet64().

◆ IntPeValidateHeader()

INTSTATUS IntPeValidateHeader ( QWORD  ImageBase,
BYTE ImageBaseBuffer,
DWORD  ImageBaseBufferSize,

Validates a PE header.

This function will perform several checks on the given PE header:

  1. MZ and PE signatures;
  2. Optional header size;
  3. Sections (offset, size);
  4. Entry point;
  5. File & section alignment; If all the checks pass (the PE does not look malformed/corrupted), it will return the information in the PeInfo structure. In order to work, at least a page of memory (containing the MZ/PE) headers must be mapped. If the caller provides ImageBaseBuffer, it must make sure that at least one page is available.
[in]ImageBaseGuest virtual address of the beginning of the module (headers) to be validated.
[in]ImageBaseBufferAddress where the ImageBase is already mapped in Introcore space, if present.
[in]ImageBaseBufferSizeIf ImageBaseBuffer is valid, this indicates its size.
[out]PeInfoWill contain upon successful validation relevant PE information.
[in]Cr3Optional virtual address space the image lies in.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the base of the PE file is not aligned to 4K.
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the PE file is malformed or corrupted in any way.

Definition at line 131 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntLdrGetImageSizeAndEntryPoint(), IntLdrLoadPEImage(), IntModBlockHandleBlockModHeadersInMemory(), IntPeFindExportByNameInBuffer(), IntPeFindExportByRvaInBuffer(), IntPeFindFunctionByPattern(), IntPeFindFunctionByPatternInBuffer(), IntPeFindFunctionStart(), IntPeFindFunctionStartInBuffer(), IntPeGetDirectory(), IntPeGetExportNameByRvaInBuffer(), IntPeGetRuntimeFunction(), IntPeGetRuntimeFunctionInBuffer(), IntPeGetSectionHeaderByIndex(), IntPeGetSectionHeaderByRva(), IntPeGetSectionHeadersByName(), IntPeListSectionsHeaders(), IntSlackAllocWindows(), IntWinDagentCheckNativeSubsystem(), IntWinDepInjectProcess(), IntWinDrvHeadersInMemory(), IntWinDrvObjIsValidDriverObject(), IntWinGuestReadKernel(), IntWinHalReadHal(), IntWinModHookPoly(), and IntWinUmModCacheFillHeaders().

◆ IntPeValidateOptionalHeader()

static INTSTATUS IntPeValidateOptionalHeader ( void *  OptionalHeader,
DWORD  SizeOfOptionalHeader,

Validates and extracts info about the optional header.

This function will parse the optional header and get relevant information, described in the OPTIONAL_HEADER_INFO structure. Note that the optional header is parsed with respect to the magic, even if the process is considered 64 bits, if we encounter a IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_PE32 signature, we'll consider the optional header, as well as the whole image, to be 32 bits.

[in]OptionalHeaderA pointer to the optional header field of the nt headers.
[in]SizeOfOptionalHeaderThe number of bytes in the optional header, as extracted from the file header.
[out]InfoAn OPTIONAL_HEADER_INFO structure containing the retrieved relevant information.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPEIf the optional header is corrupted or has an invalid magic.

Definition at line 41 of file winpe.c.

Referenced by IntPeValidateHeader().