Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
kernel Directory Reference


file  winapi.c [code]
file  winbugcheck.c [code]
file  windriver.c [code]
 This file handles Windows Drivers related events (loading, unloading, writes, etc.)
file  windrv_protected.c [code]
 This file contains Windows Kernel Driver and Driver Object related protection options.
file  windrvobj.c [code]
file  winhal.c [code]
file  winidt.c [code]
file  wininfinityhook.c [code]
 This file confers protection against the infinity hook technique.
file  winintobj.c [code]
 This file contains detection logic for interrupt objects in KPRCB, which are used in order to set handlers for unexpected exceptions on most of Windows versions.
file  winobj.c [code]
 This file contains the logic that parses the Windows Kernel object namespace in order to find an object of interest.
file  winpfn.c [code]
file  winpool.c [code]
file  winpower.c [code]
 This file handles Windows guest power state changes.
file  winsecdesc.c [code]
file  winselfmap.c [code]
file  winsud.c [code]
 Handles violations involving the SharedUserData structure.
file  wintoken.c [code]
 This file handles token steal detection and token privilege protection.
file  winvad.c [code]