Bitdefender Hypervisor Memory Introspection
winprocess.c File Reference

This file handles Windows Processes related events (Creation, Termination, Copy Memory, etc.). More...

#include "winprocess.h"
#include "alerts.h"
#include "crc32.h"
#include "gpacache.h"
#include "icache.h"
#include "kernvm.h"
#include "ptfilter.h"
#include "swapmem.h"
#include "winagent.h"
#include "winobj.h"
#include "winpfn.h"
#include "winprocesshp.h"
#include "winselfmap.h"
#include "wincmdline.h"
#include "windpi.h"
#include "wintoken.h"
#include "winpe.h"
#include "winsecdesc.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 The maximum length (in bytes) of the data read from the guest when reading the command line of a process that is not protected with the PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE. More...
#define CMDLINE_MAX_LEN   (WORD_MAX - 1)
 The maximum length (in bytes) of the data read from the guest when reading the command line of a process protected with PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE. More...
#define NACL_CMD_LINE   "--type=nacl-loader"


static INTSTATUS IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject (QWORD EprocessAddress, QWORD Cr3, DWORD Pid)
 Used to delete the process from the Introcore internal structures. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveProcess (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Used to free the memory allocations and swap memory transactions used by a PWIN_PROCESS_OBJECT. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcCreateProcessSubsystem (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, WIN_PROCESS_SUBSYSTEM **Subsystem, BYTE SubsystemType)
 Create a process subsystem for the given process. More...
static BOOLEAN IntWinProcIsExploitGuardEnabled (QWORD EprocessAddress, BYTE *Eprocess)
 Checks if the exploit guard is enabled for a certain process. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcEnforceProcessDep (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Enables DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for a certain process. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchSpareValue (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Saves the process protection info within an EPROCESS spare field. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcMarkAgent (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, BOOLEAN Mark)
 Mark the given process as being an agent. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcSendAgentEvent (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, BOOLEAN Created)
 Send a process creation/termination event that symbolizes an agent. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcSendProcessEvent (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, BOOLEAN Created, BOOLEAN Crashed)
 Send a process creation/termination event. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcSendProcessExceptionEvent (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Send a process exception event. More...
static void IntWinProcFillSystemPath (WIN_PROCESS_SUBSYSTEM *Subsystem)
 Fill the system directory path for the given subsystem. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveSubsystem (WIN_PROCESS_SUBSYSTEM *Subsystem)
 Removes a process subsystem. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory (void *Context, QWORD Cr3, QWORD VirtualAddress, QWORD PhysicalAddress, void *Data, DWORD DataSize, DWORD Flags)
 Called from within IntSwapMemReadData when the command line buffer of a process has been fully read. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory (void *Context, QWORD Cr3, QWORD VirtualAddress, QWORD PhysicalAddress, void *Data, DWORD DataSize, DWORD Flags)
 Called from within IntSwapMemReadData when the UNICODE_STRING32 or UNICODE_STRING64 structure that contains the command line buffer of a process has been read. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleUserParamsInMemory (void *Context, QWORD Cr3, QWORD VirtualAddress, QWORD PhysicalAddress, void *Data, DWORD DataSize, DWORD Flags)
 Called from within IntSwapMemReadData when the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS32 or RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS64 structure of the process (Context) has been read. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcReadCommandLine (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Reads the command line of the given process using IntSwapMemReadData. More...
static void IntWinProcGetImageBaseNameFromPath (const WCHAR *FullPath, CHAR *BaseName, const WCHAR **FullName)
 Get the BaseName and FullName of an image from the FullPath. More...
static const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFOIntWinProcGetProtectedInfo (CHAR BaseName[IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN], BOOLEAN IsSystem)
 Returns a pointer to the PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO structure for the given process BaseName. More...
const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFOIntWinProcGetProtectedInfoEx (PWCHAR Path, BOOLEAN IsSystem)
 Returns a pointer to the PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO structure for the given process Path. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcUpdateProtection (void)
 Iterates trough the global process list (gWinProcesses) in order to update the protection state for each process. More...
static void IntWinProcHandleDuplicate (QWORD Cr3, QWORD Eprocess)
 Ensures that a newly created process does not exist already. More...
static void IntWinProcSetUserCr3 (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, const BYTE *EprocessBuffer)
 Sets the User CR3 value for a newly created process. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcLockCr3 (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Locks the kernel and user Cr3 of a process in memory. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcUnlockCr3 (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process)
 Unlocks the kernel and user Cr3 of a process in memory. More...
static void IntWinProcMarkAsSystemProcess (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, const WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Parent)
 Mark the process as being a system process. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcCreateProcessObject (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT **Process, QWORD EprocessAddress, PBYTE EprocessBuffer, QWORD ParentEprocess, QWORD RealParentEprocess, QWORD Cr3, DWORD Pid, BOOLEAN StaticScan)
 Allocates a WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure for the given process. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchPspInsertProcess86 (QWORD FunctionAddress, void *Handler, void *Descriptor)
 This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "PspInsertProcess". More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchSwapOut64 (QWORD FunctionAddress, void *Handler, void *Descriptor)
 This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "KiOutSwapProcesses". More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchSwapOut32 (QWORD FunctionAddress, void *Handler, void *Descriptor)
 This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "KiOutSwapProcesses". More...
static WIN_PROCESS_OBJECTIntWinProcHandleCreateInternal (QWORD NewEprocess, QWORD ParentEprocess, QWORD DebugHandle, INTRO_ACTION *Action)
 Handles process creation for Windows guests. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcHandleCreate (void *Detour)
 Detour handler for the PspInsertProcess Windows kernel API.The actual process creation is handled by IntWinProcHandleCreateInternal. This function establishes the context of the creation and, if needed, blocks the process creation. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcHandleTerminate (void *Detour)
 This functions handles the termination of a Windows process.This function is invoked every time "MmCleanProcessAddressSpace" is called (a process is being terminated) and is responsible for removing the process from all the internal structures. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchCopyMemoryDetour (QWORD FunctionAddress, void *Handler, void *Descriptor)
 This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "MmCopyVirtualMemory".This function is invoked every time "MmCopyVirtualMemory" is called (a process is writing/reading another process) but before the actual handler IntWinProcHandleCopyMemory, its purpose being to modify the hook code (see winhkhnd.c). More...
static BOOLEAN IntWinProcHandleReadFromLsass (QWORD SourceAddress, DWORD ReadSize, const WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Lsass, WIN_PROCESS_MODULE **VictimModule)
 Handles reads from lsass.exe. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcHandleCopyMemory (void *Detour)
 This functions is responsible handling process read/write operations.This function is invoked every time "MmCopyVirtualMemory" is called (a process is writing/reading another process), its purpose being to block malicious operations, such as a credential dump (reading from lsass.exe). More...
 Remove a process from protection. More...
 Protects a new process. More...
TIMER_FRIENDLY INTSTATUS IntWinProcValidateSystemCr3 (void)
 This function checks if the system CR3 value was modified and if GUEST_STATE::KernelBetaDetections is NOT set, it restores the original value. More...
static BOOLEAN IntWinProcIsFullPath (const WCHAR *Path)
 This function checks if the provided path is a full path. More...
static BOOLEAN IntWinProcExistsProtectedProcess (CHAR BaseName[IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN], const WCHAR *FullPath, DWORD ProtectionMask, QWORD Context)
 This function checks if the provided process is already protected with the given flags. More...
static INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcessInternal (CHAR BaseName[IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN], const WCHAR *FullPath)
 This function removes the protection for the given process. More...
void IntWinProcUpdateProtectedProcess (const void *Name, const CAMI_STRING_ENCODING Encoding, const CAMI_PROT_OPTIONS *Options)
 This function updates the protection for the given process. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess (const WCHAR *Path, DWORD ProtectionMask, QWORD Context)
 This function adds the provided process to the protected process list. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcess (const WCHAR *Path)
 This function removed the provided process from the protected process list. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveAllProtectedProcesses (void)
 This function removed all the processes from the protected process list. More...
void IntWinProcDumpProtected (void)
 Log all the protected processes. More...
void IntWinProcUninit (void)
 This function removes all process objects from the list, and registers the calls the cleanup function for each process. More...
 This function looks for a process with the given PID inside gWinProcesses and returns its WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcChangeProtectionFlags (WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT *Process, DWORD OldMask, DWORD NewMask)
 This function changes the protection flags for the given process. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcSwapIn (void *Detour)
 Detour handler for the MmInSwapProcess Windows kernel API.The detour on MmInSwapProcess is set inside the function after/before the EPROCESS.OutSwapped bit is disabled. The guest virtual address of EPROCESS structure is stored in a register and is provided by 'IntDetGetArgument'. An example for an instruction that is detoured is 'lock and dword ptr [rbx+440h],0FFFFFF7Fh'; in this case the guest virtual address of the EPROCESS is stored in RBX register. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcSwapOut (void *Detour)
 Detour handler for the KiOutSwapProcess Windows kernel API.The detour on KiOutSwapProcess is set after the MiOutSwapProcess is called (e.g. 'xor r15b, r15b'). The guest virtual address of EPROCESS structure is stored in a register and is provided by 'IntDetGetArgument'. An example for that is detoured sequence is 'mov rcx, rbx / call nt!MmOutSwapProcess / xor r15b, r15b' ; in this case the guest virtual address of the EPROCESS is stored in RBX register. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcHandleInstrument (void *Detour)
 Handles an exit on NtSetInformationProcess calls where the InformationClass argument is 40 (instrumentation callback).The originator is considered to be the current process (by cr3). The victim is taken from the first argument of the API call, which is a handle to the target process. However, we receive an _EPROCESS address thanks to the hook handler. More...
INTSTATUS IntWinProcPrepareInstrument (QWORD FunctionAddress, void *Handler, void *Descriptor)
 This function is responsible for patching the detour that handles "NtSetInformationProcess". More...


LIST_HEAD gWinProcesses
 The list of all the processes inside the guest. More...
RBTREE gWinProcTreeCr3
 Tree of all the processes inside the guest, using the kernel CR3 as the key. More...
RBTREE gWinProcTreeUserCr3
 Tree of all the processes inside the guest, using the user-mode CR3 as the key/. More...
RBTREE gWinProcTreeEprocess
 Tree of all the processes inside the guest, using the _EPROCESS address as the key. More...
static LIST_HEAD gWinProtectedProcesses = LIST_HEAD_INIT(gWinProtectedProcesses)
 A list with all the protected processes (containing PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO elements). More...
static DWORD gTotalProtectedProcs = 0
 The total number of protected processes. More...
const WCHAR gSystemPath [] = u"\\windows\\system32\\"
 The system path. More...
const WCHAR gSysWowPath [] = u"\\windows\\syswow64\\"
 The syswow path (32 bit process on a 64 bit OS). More...
const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO gSystemProcesses []
 This is a list with system processes and their default protection mask. More...
const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO gWinForcedProtectedProcesses []
 This is a list with non system processes that have a default protection mask. More...
static const char * gCmdLineProcesses []
 This is a list of processes for which we want to read the command line (not to be confused with PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE. More...

Detailed Description

This file handles Windows Processes related events (Creation, Termination, Copy Memory, etc.).

In order to protect Windows processes, introcore places some hooks (see winhkhnd.c) on functions such as "PspInserProcess" (used for process creation) or "MmCleanProcessAddressSpace" (used for process termination) in order to keep a list of all the running processes (gWinProcesses). When a process is being started, DPI (Deep Process Inspection) checks are being carries out in order to determine if the creation should be allowed or not (see windpi.c). Also at process creation, the protection for the newly created process is enabled (according to the protection flags (WINPROC_PROT_MASK_*). Apart from process creation/termination, this file contains the detour functions that handle process memory reads/writes (IPC).

Definition in file winprocess.c.

Macro Definition Documentation



The maximum length (in bytes) of the data read from the guest when reading the command line of a process that is not protected with the PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE.

This is usually a process from the gCmdLineProcesses list. Note that this must always be an even number because it represents the length of a WCHAR string.

Definition at line 29 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory().


#define CMDLINE_MAX_LEN   (WORD_MAX - 1)

The maximum length (in bytes) of the data read from the guest when reading the command line of a process protected with PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE.

Note that this must always be an even number because it represents the length of a WCHAR string. This is enough to cover the 32767 maximum character limit imposed by CreateProcess. See for details.

Definition at line 37 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory().


#define NACL_CMD_LINE   "--type=nacl-loader"

Function Documentation

◆ IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory()

static INTSTATUS IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory ( void *  Context,
QWORD  VirtualAddress,
QWORD  PhysicalAddress,
void *  Data,
DWORD  DataSize,
DWORD  Flags 

Called from within IntSwapMemReadData when the UNICODE_STRING32 or UNICODE_STRING64 structure that contains the command line buffer of a process has been read.

[in]ContextThe WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure.
[in]Cr3The virtual address space.
[in]VirtualAddressThe base virtual address read.
[in]PhysicalAddressThe physical address of the first page (VirtualAddress) read.
[in]DataBuffer containing the read data. This will be freed once the callback returns!
[in]DataSizeSize of the Data buffer.
[in]FlagsSwap flags. Check out SWAPMEM_FLG* for more info.
Return values

Definition at line 749 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleUserParamsInMemory().

◆ IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleUserParamsInMemory()

static INTSTATUS IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleUserParamsInMemory ( void *  Context,
QWORD  VirtualAddress,
QWORD  PhysicalAddress,
void *  Data,
DWORD  DataSize,
DWORD  Flags 

Called from within IntSwapMemReadData when the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS32 or RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS64 structure of the process (Context) has been read.

[in]ContextThe WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure.
[in]Cr3The virtual address space.
[in]VirtualAddressThe base virtual address read.
[in]PhysicalAddressThe physical address of the first page (VirtualAddress) read.
[in]DataBuffer containing the read data. This will be freed once the callback returns!
[in]DataSizeSize of the Data buffer.
[in]FlagsSwap flags. Check out SWAPMEM_FLG* for more info.
Return values

Definition at line 826 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcReadCommandLine().

◆ IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory()

static INTSTATUS IntWinGetProcCmdLineHandleBufferInMemory ( void *  Context,
QWORD  VirtualAddress,
QWORD  PhysicalAddress,
void *  Data,
DWORD  DataSize,
DWORD  Flags 

Called from within IntSwapMemReadData when the command line buffer of a process has been fully read.

This function will copy the command line to the WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT::CommandLine and inspect it if PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE is set for the process in questions.

[in]ContextThe WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure.
[in]Cr3The virtual address space.
[in]VirtualAddressThe base virtual address read.
[in]PhysicalAddressThe physical address of the first page (VirtualAddress) read.
[in]DataBuffer containing the read data. This will be freed once the callback returns!
[in]DataSizeSize of the Data buffer.
[in]FlagsSwap flags. Check out SWAPMEM_FLG* for more info.
Return values

Definition at line 655 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinGetPrcoCmdLineHandleCmdLineInMemory().

◆ IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess ( const WCHAR Path,
DWORD  ProtectionMask,
QWORD  Context 

This function adds the provided process to the protected process list.

[in]PathThe full process path.
[in]ProtectionMaskThe process protection mask.
[in]ContextProtection policy context.
Return values

Definition at line 3712 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf16(), IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf8(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcChangeProtectionFlags()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcChangeProtectionFlags ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,
DWORD  OldMask,
DWORD  NewMask 

This function changes the protection flags for the given process.

[in]ProcessThe process to update the protection flags for.
[in]OldMaskThe old protection flag mask.
[in]NewMaskThe new protection flag mask.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_NEEDED_HINTThe masks are identical.

Definition at line 4046 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback(), IntWinProcProtect(), IntWinProcUnprotect(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ IntWinProcCreateProcessObject()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcCreateProcessObject ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT **  Process,
QWORD  EprocessAddress,
PBYTE  EprocessBuffer,
QWORD  ParentEprocess,
QWORD  RealParentEprocess,
BOOLEAN  StaticScan 

Allocates a WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure for the given process.

This function is responsible for allocating a WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure for the given process, reading its command line if necessary, importing its main module VAD, protecting the process, sending a notification to the integrator, etc.

If the process is swapped-out we no longer:

  • lock the CR3
  • read the command line
  • check the self-map bits
  • import the main module vad
  • activate protection

The protection is activated when the process is swapped-in (IntWinProcSwapIn).

[out]ProcessThe internally allocate process object.
[in]EprocessAddressThe EPROCESS address of the process.
[in]EprocessBufferThe address of the EPROCESS mapping.
[in]ParentEprocessThe EPROCESS address of the parent process.
[in]RealParentEprocessThe EPROCESS address of the real parent process.
[in]Cr3The address space.
[in]PidThe process identifier.
[in]StaticScanTRUE if the process already existed but was found only now (when initializing the introspection), FALSE if this process was just created.
Return values

Definition at line 1544 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcAdd(), IntWinProcHandleCreateInternal(), IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback(), and IntWinProcSwapIn().

◆ IntWinProcCreateProcessSubsystem()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcCreateProcessSubsystem ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,
BYTE  SubsystemType 

Create a process subsystem for the given process.

[in]ProcessThe process to create the subsystem for.
[out]SubsystemThe allocated subsystem.
[in]SubsystemTypeThe subsystem type (SUBSYSTEM_32BIT or SUBSYSTEM_64BIT).
Return values
INT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCESIf the memory allocation failed.

Definition at line 578 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject ( QWORD  EprocessAddress,

Used to delete the process from the Introcore internal structures.

This function is responsible for finding the process in the internal list (gWinProcesses), sending any necessary notifications to the integrator (process terminated, process crashed or agent process terminated), disabling the protection, deleting the process object, etc.

[in]EprocessAddressThe address of the eprocess to be deleted.
[in]Cr3The address space.
[in]PidThe process identifier.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the process was not found in the internal list (gWinProcesses).

Definition at line 2171 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcHandleCreate(), IntWinProcHandleDuplicate(), IntWinProcHandleTerminate(), and IntWinProcSwapIn().

◆ IntWinProcDumpProtected()

void IntWinProcDumpProtected ( void  )

Log all the protected processes.

Definition at line 3912 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by DbgProcList(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcEnforceProcessDep()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcEnforceProcessDep ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Enables DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for a certain process.

[in]ProcessThe process to enable DEP for.
Return values

Definition at line 224 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcChangeProtectionFlags().

◆ IntWinProcExistsProtectedProcess()

static BOOLEAN IntWinProcExistsProtectedProcess ( CHAR  BaseName[IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN],
const WCHAR FullPath,
DWORD  ProtectionMask,
QWORD  Context 

This function checks if the provided process is already protected with the given flags.

This function iterates trough the gWinProtectedProcesses and looks for the given process. If the BaseName, FullPath and ProtectionMask match, the PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO::Context is set to the given Context.

[in]BaseNameThe name of the process (limited to IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN)
[in]FullPathThe full process path.
[in]ProtectionMaskThe process protection mask.
[in]ContextProtection policy context.
Return values
TRUEThe process is already protected using the given protection mask and context.
FALSEThe process is NOT protected at all or with a different protection mask.

Definition at line 3552 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess().

◆ IntWinProcFillSystemPath()

static void IntWinProcFillSystemPath ( WIN_PROCESS_SUBSYSTEM Subsystem)

Fill the system directory path for the given subsystem.

[in]SubsystemThe subsystem to for which the system directory path needs to be filled.

Definition at line 557 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessSubsystem().

◆ IntWinProcGetImageBaseNameFromPath()

static void IntWinProcGetImageBaseNameFromPath ( const WCHAR FullPath,
CHAR BaseName,
const WCHAR **  FullName 

Get the BaseName and FullName of an image from the FullPath.

[in]FullPathThe full path of an image.
[out]BaseNameThe base name of an image (limited to IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN).
[out]FullNameThe full name of an image.

Definition at line 957 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess(), IntWinProcGetProtectedInfoEx(), and IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcess().

◆ IntWinProcGetObjectByPid()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcGetObjectByPid ( DWORD  Pid,

This function looks for a process with the given PID inside gWinProcesses and returns its WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT.

[in]PidThe process identifier.
[out]ProcessThe process object for the given PID.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the process was not found.

Definition at line 4003 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinGetAccessTokenFromProcess(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcGetProtectedInfo()

static const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO* IntWinProcGetProtectedInfo ( CHAR  BaseName[IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN],
BOOLEAN  IsSystem 

Returns a pointer to the PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO structure for the given process BaseName.

[in]BaseNameThe name of the process.
[in]IsSystemTRUE if the process is system process, FALSE otherwise.
Return values
PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFOIf the process is protected.
NULLIf the process is NOT protected.

Definition at line 1012 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ IntWinProcGetProtectedInfoEx()

const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO* IntWinProcGetProtectedInfoEx ( PWCHAR  Path,
BOOLEAN  IsSystem 

Returns a pointer to the PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO structure for the given process Path.

[in]PathThe path of the process.
[in]IsSystemTRUE if the process is system process, FALSE otherwise.
Return values
PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFOIf the process is protected.
NULLIf the process is NOT protected.

Definition at line 1070 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory(), IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ IntWinProcHandleCreateInternal()

static WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT* IntWinProcHandleCreateInternal ( QWORD  NewEprocess,
QWORD  ParentEprocess,
QWORD  DebugHandle,

Handles process creation for Windows guests.

This function extracts the needed information from the newly created EPROCESS and created a new WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT using IntWinProcCreateProcessObject. It also triggers the deep process inspection checks using IntWinDpiGatherDpiInfo.

[in]NewEprocessThe guest virtual address of the EPROCESS structure of the newly created process.
[in]ParentEprocessThe guest virtual address of the EPROCESS structure of the parent process, as set by the Windows kernel.
[in]DebugHandleThe debug handle used for this process. Can be 0.
[out]ActionThe action to be taken. Will be introGuestNotAllowed if this process creation is not allowed (either due to the PROC_OPT_PROT_PREVENT_CHILD_CREATION process protection option, or due to one of the INTRO_OPT_PROT_DPI options).
A pointer to the newly created WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT in case of success, or NULL in case of error.

Definition at line 2494 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcHandleCreate().

◆ IntWinProcHandleDuplicate()

static void IntWinProcHandleDuplicate ( QWORD  Cr3,
QWORD  Eprocess 

Ensures that a newly created process does not exist already.

Duplicates are searched by Cr3 and Eprocess GLA. If one exists, it is removed as it's probably terminated by now. Note that we don't need to invalidate caches or terminate protection, as this scenario only happens on resume from hibernate, where we iterate the process list, and we identify a process that has been terminated, but it wasn't removed from the process list just yet. We will remove it from our list as soon as another process with the same CR3 is created. Until then, it can simply remain there, as it doesn't pose any issues.

[in]Cr3The Cr3 of the newly created process. For process for which KPTI is on this is the kernel Cr3.
[in]EprocessThe GLA of the newly created EPROCESS.

Definition at line 1276 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcHandleReadFromLsass()

static BOOLEAN IntWinProcHandleReadFromLsass ( QWORD  SourceAddress,
DWORD  ReadSize,
WIN_PROCESS_MODULE **  VictimModule 

Handles reads from lsass.exe.

[in]SourceAddressThe guest linear address from where data is read.
[in]ReadSizeThe size of the memory copy operation.
[in]LsassPointer to the lsass.exe WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure.
[out]VictimModuleWill contain a pointer to the module loaded inside lsass.exe from which data is read. If data is not copied from any module will be NULL.
Return values
Trueif this read should be allowed without doing any extra checks.
Falseif this read should be further analyzed.

Definition at line 2794 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcHandleCopyMemory().

◆ IntWinProcIsExploitGuardEnabled()

static BOOLEAN IntWinProcIsExploitGuardEnabled ( QWORD  EprocessAddress,
BYTE Eprocess 

Checks if the exploit guard is enabled for a certain process.

[in]EprocessAddressThe eprocess - GVA.
[in]EprocessThe eprocess - Introcore mapped value.
Return values
TRUEIf the exploit guard is enabled.
FALSEIf the exploit guard is disabled.

Definition at line 185 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcIsFullPath()

static BOOLEAN IntWinProcIsFullPath ( const WCHAR Path)

This function checks if the provided path is a full path.

Return values
TRUEThe provided path is a full path.
FALSEThe provided path is a NOT full path.

Definition at line 3525 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess().

◆ IntWinProcLockCr3()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcLockCr3 ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Locks the kernel and user Cr3 of a process in memory.

We do not want the OS to change the process CR3. If this fails, introcore is disabled.

Locking is done using IntWinPfnLockGpa.

[in,out]ProcessThe process for which to lock the CR3. The WIN_PFN_LOCK handle will be saved inside the process object.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, or an appropriate INTSTATUS value in case of error.

Definition at line 1376 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcMarkAgent()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcMarkAgent ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,

Mark the given process as being an agent.

In order to improve performance, we will store a '?' character in the ImageName[14] for the agent processes. In case the Introcore will start again, we will know this is an agent.

[in]ProcessThe agent process.
[in]MarkTRUE if the process needs to be marked, FALSE otherwise.
Return values

Definition at line 364 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcUninit().

◆ IntWinProcMarkAsSystemProcess()

static void IntWinProcMarkAsSystemProcess ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,

Mark the process as being a system process.

A process is considered system if:

  1. it is inside the gSystemProcesses array
  2. it is started by another System process.

Initially, the System is the only System process, so he is the root of all system processes.

[in,out]ProcessThe process to be checked. The WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT.SystemProcess field will be set to TRUE if the process is a system process.
[in]ParentThe parent process.

Definition at line 1468 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcPatchPspInsertProcess86()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchPspInsertProcess86 ( QWORD  FunctionAddress,
void *  Handler,
void *  Descriptor 

This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "PspInsertProcess".

This function is invoked every time "PspInsertProcess" is called (a process is created) but before the actual handler IntWinProcHandleCreate, its purpose being to modify the hook code (see winhkhnd.c). On some 32 Bit versions of the Windows, the a RET N instructions is used so the code must take that into account when blocking a process creation.

[in]FunctionAddressThe address of the function.
[in]HandlerAn API_HOOK_HANDLER structure.
[in]DescriptorPointer to a structure that describes the hook and the detour handler.
Return values

Definition at line 2346 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcPatchSpareValue()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchSpareValue ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Saves the process protection info within an EPROCESS spare field.

It uses an EPROCESS spare field to store the protection info for a given process (the first byte is '*', while the second one saves the protection information as a bitmask).

[in]ProcessThe process to save the information for.
Return values

Definition at line 291 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcChangeProtectionFlags().

◆ IntWinProcPatchSwapOut32()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchSwapOut32 ( QWORD  FunctionAddress,
void *  Handler,
void *  Descriptor 

This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "KiOutSwapProcesses".

[in]FunctionAddressThe address of the function.
[in]HandlerAn API_HOOK_HANDLER structure.
[in]DescriptorPointer to a structure that describes the hook and the detour handler.
Return values

Definition at line 2443 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcPatchSwapOut64()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcPatchSwapOut64 ( QWORD  FunctionAddress,
void *  Handler,
void *  Descriptor 

This functions is responsible for patching the detour that handles the "KiOutSwapProcesses".

[in]FunctionAddressThe address of the function.
[in]HandlerAn API_HOOK_HANDLER structure.
[in]DescriptorPointer to a structure that describes the hook and the detour handler.
Return values

Definition at line 2387 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcPrepareInstrument()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcPrepareInstrument ( QWORD  FunctionAddress,
void *  Handler,
void *  Descriptor 

This function is responsible for patching the detour that handles "NtSetInformationProcess".

This function is called before the hook is placed in the guest memory in order "patch" the values of any exports or field offsets that it may need. Specifically, this patches PsProcessType, ObReferenceObjectByHandle, ObDereferenceObject and the offset to Spare in the _EPROCESS structure.

[in]FunctionAddressThe guest virtual address of the hooked function.
[in]HandlerOptional pointer to a API_HOOK_HANDLER structure.
[in]DescriptorPointer to a structure that describes the hook and the detour handler.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, or an appropriate INTSTATUS error value.

Definition at line 4623 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcProtect()


Protects a new process.

[in]ProcessThe process to be protected.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_NEEDED_HINTIf the process is already protected.

Definition at line 3287 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ IntWinProcReadCommandLine()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcReadCommandLine ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Reads the command line of the given process using IntSwapMemReadData.

[in]ProcessThe process to read the command line from.
Return values

Definition at line 900 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcRemoveAllProtectedProcesses()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveAllProtectedProcesses ( void  )

This function removed all the processes from the protected process list.

Return values

Definition at line 3880 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntRemoveAllProtectedProcesses(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcRemoveProcess()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveProcess ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Used to free the memory allocations and swap memory transactions used by a PWIN_PROCESS_OBJECT.

This function is responsible for restoring the EPROCESS spare value, removing any pending swap memory transactions and freeing the WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT structure.

[in]ProcessThe process object to be removed.
Return values

Definition at line 2031 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject(), and IntWinProcUninit().

◆ IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcess()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcess ( const WCHAR Path)

This function removed the provided process from the protected process list.

[in]PathThe full process path.
Return values

Definition at line 3826 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf16(), IntAddRemoveProtectedProcessUtf8(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcessInternal()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcessInternal ( CHAR  BaseName[IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN],
const WCHAR FullPath 

This function removes the protection for the given process.

This function iterates trough the gWinProtectedProcesses and looks for the given process. If the BaseName and FullPath match, the process is removed from the list.

[in]BaseNameThe name of the process (limited to IMAGE_BASE_NAME_LEN)
[in]FullPathThe full process path.
Return values

Definition at line 3614 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess(), and IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcess().

◆ IntWinProcRemoveSubsystem()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcRemoveSubsystem ( WIN_PROCESS_SUBSYSTEM Subsystem)

Removes a process subsystem.

[in]SubsystemThe subsystem to be removed.
Return values
INT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1If the Subsystem parameter is NULL.

Definition at line 614 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcRemoveProcess().

◆ IntWinProcSendAgentEvent()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcSendAgentEvent ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,
BOOLEAN  Created 

Send a process creation/termination event that symbolizes an agent.

If the current process is and agent, send an agent process creation/termination event.

[in]ProcessThe agent process.
[in]CreatedTRUE if the process was created, FALSE otherwise.
Return values

Definition at line 401 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcSendProcessEvent()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcSendProcessEvent ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,
BOOLEAN  Created,
BOOLEAN  Crashed 

Send a process creation/termination event.

If INTRO_OPT_EVENT_PROCESSES is set, send a process creation/termination event.

[in]ProcessThe process to send the event for.
[in]CreatedTRUE if the process was created, FALSE otherwise.
[in]CrashedTRUE if the process was terminated because a crash occurred.
Return values

Definition at line 448 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject(), and IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcSendProcessExceptionEvent()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcSendProcessExceptionEvent ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Send a process exception event.

If INTRO_OPT_EVENT_PROCESS_CRASH is set, send a process exception event.

[in]ProcessThe process to send the event for.
Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_NEEDED_HINTIf there was no exception or the event is not activated.

Definition at line 507 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcSetUserCr3()

static void IntWinProcSetUserCr3 ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process,
const BYTE EprocessBuffer 

Sets the User CR3 value for a newly created process.

Handles all possible cases.

[in,out]ProcessThe process object for which to set the WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT.UserCr3 field. For 64-bit guests with KPTI active, this is the value of the UserCr3 EPROCESS field (see winKmFieldProcessUserCr3), as long as it is at least 0x1000. For 32-bit processes, this will be the kernel Cr3 or'ed with 0x20. If KPTI is not active this will have the same value as the kernel Cr3.
[in]EprocessBufferA buffer that maps the EPROCESS structure. The buffer should be large enough to fir the UserCr3 field.

Definition at line 1327 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ IntWinProcUninit()

void IntWinProcUninit ( void  )

This function removes all process objects from the list, and registers the calls the cleanup function for each process.

Definition at line 3940 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinGuestUninit(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcUnlockCr3()

static INTSTATUS IntWinProcUnlockCr3 ( WIN_PROCESS_OBJECT Process)

Unlocks the kernel and user Cr3 of a process in memory.

Unlocking is done using IntWinPfnRemoveLock.

[in,out]ProcessThe process for which to unlock the CR3. The WIN_PFN_LOCK handle will be saved inside the process object.
INT_STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, or an appropriate INTSTATUS value in case of error.

Definition at line 1425 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcSwapOut().

◆ IntWinProcUnprotect()


Remove a process from protection.

[in]ProcessThe process to be removed from protection.
Return values

Definition at line 3247 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinModHandleModulePathInMemory(), IntWinProcDeleteProcessObject(), IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback(), IntWinProcProtect(), IntWinProcSwapOut(), IntWinProcUninit(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ IntWinProcUpdateProtectedProcess()

void IntWinProcUpdateProtectedProcess ( const void *  Name,
const CAMI_PROT_OPTIONS Options 

This function updates the protection for the given process.

[in]NameThe name of the process.
[in]EncodingThe encoding used by the Name variable.
[in]OptionsThe protection options to be applied.

Definition at line 3657 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntCamiUpdateProcessProtectionItems(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

◆ IntWinProcUpdateProtection()

INTSTATUS IntWinProcUpdateProtection ( void  )

Iterates trough the global process list (gWinProcesses) in order to update the protection state for each process.

Return values

Definition at line 1162 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntCamiSetProcProtOptions(), IntGuestUpdateCoreOptions(), IntWinProcAddProtectedProcess(), IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback(), and IntWinProcRemoveProtectedProcess().

◆ IntWinProcValidateSystemCr3()

TIMER_FRIENDLY INTSTATUS IntWinProcValidateSystemCr3 ( void  )

This function checks if the system CR3 value was modified and if GUEST_STATE::KernelBetaDetections is NOT set, it restores the original value.

Return values
INT_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDIf the system process was not found within the gWinProcesses.
INT_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED_HINTIf the introcore is not fully initialized.

Definition at line 3371 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntHandleTimer(), and IntWinProcPolicyIsFeedback().

Variable Documentation

◆ gCmdLineProcesses

const char* gCmdLineProcesses[]
Initial value:

This is a list of processes for which we want to read the command line (not to be confused with PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE.

Definition at line 146 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcCreateProcessObject().

◆ gSystemPath

const WCHAR gSystemPath[] = u"\\windows\\system32\\"

The system path.

Definition at line 72 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcFillSystemPath().

◆ gSystemProcesses

const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO gSystemProcesses[]

This is a list with system processes and their default protection mask.

Definition at line 82 of file winprocess.c.

◆ gSysWowPath

const WCHAR gSysWowPath[] = u"\\windows\\syswow64\\"

The syswow path (32 bit process on a 64 bit OS).

Definition at line 77 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcFillSystemPath().

◆ gTotalProtectedProcs

DWORD gTotalProtectedProcs = 0

The total number of protected processes.

Definition at line 67 of file winprocess.c.

Referenced by IntWinProcProtect(), IntWinProcUnprotect(), and IntWinProcUpdateProtection().

◆ gWinForcedProtectedProcesses

const PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO gWinForcedProtectedProcesses[]
Initial value:
.ImageBaseNamePattern = "powershell.exe",
.Protection = { .Original = PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE, .Current = PROC_OPT_PROT_SCAN_CMD_LINE },
.FullPathPattern = u"c:\\windows\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
.FullNamePattern = u"powershell.exe"
Uses third party engines to scan the command line of a process.
Definition: intro_types.h:364

This is a list with non system processes that have a default protection mask.

Definition at line 131 of file winprocess.c.

◆ gWinProcesses

LIST_HEAD gWinProcesses

The list of all the processes inside the guest.

Definition at line 11 of file winprocesshp.c.

◆ gWinProcTreeCr3

RBTREE gWinProcTreeCr3

Tree of all the processes inside the guest, using the kernel CR3 as the key.

Definition at line 13 of file winprocesshp.c.

◆ gWinProcTreeEprocess

RBTREE gWinProcTreeEprocess

Tree of all the processes inside the guest, using the _EPROCESS address as the key.

Definition at line 18 of file winprocesshp.c.

◆ gWinProcTreeUserCr3

RBTREE gWinProcTreeUserCr3

Tree of all the processes inside the guest, using the user-mode CR3 as the key/.

Definition at line 15 of file winprocesshp.c.

◆ gWinProtectedProcesses

LIST_HEAD gWinProtectedProcesses = LIST_HEAD_INIT(gWinProtectedProcesses)

A list with all the protected processes (containing PROTECTED_PROCESS_INFO elements).

Definition at line 62 of file winprocess.c.